“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them (our inalienable rights) under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” These of course are not my words, they were written by Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Livingston, and Sherman 248 years ago.
So, what is our next line of defense? Shouldn’t it be time to make this a states rights issue, if the feds have gone completely rogue on us? There isn’t anything they’re doing here that is not treasonous, and it makes the Declaration of Independence appear as if it was written for us to file our grievances against our own government. I’m sure we have more than 27 of them by now, even though many of them are the same as they were 248 years ago against Britain.
I realize a lot of state house and senate would ignore our pleas, yet shouldn’t we be drawing the line in the sand and forcing them to choose between upholding the constitution and tyranny? At least there would be no question then who is with us and who is against us. That the law is on our side couldn’t be more inarguable.
All states should be devising strategies to counter the criminalizing of the administration's poltical opponents, and determining how to safeguard our commonwealth from the insurgency of these treasonous tactics. If our state leadership won’t intervene, this will get ugly, and sadly, we are at the point where we will need to have a plan.
Sucks that it’s come to this, but if we have a society where people have no problem with harassing and incarcerating people because they don’t support their candidate, the war has already begun. Anyone who would do this is an enemy of the republic. There is not other way to see this.
The next six years is going to be a street brawl when Trump is back in office and begins to put things in order…..15 million people facing deportation a lot of useful idiots to be manipulated for destabilization
It will be a street brawl the next six years castrating this evil genie and putting it back in the bottle
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them (our inalienable rights) under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” These of course are not my words, they were written by Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Livingston, and Sherman 248 years ago.
So, what is our next line of defense? Shouldn’t it be time to make this a states rights issue, if the feds have gone completely rogue on us? There isn’t anything they’re doing here that is not treasonous, and it makes the Declaration of Independence appear as if it was written for us to file our grievances against our own government. I’m sure we have more than 27 of them by now, even though many of them are the same as they were 248 years ago against Britain.
I realize a lot of state house and senate would ignore our pleas, yet shouldn’t we be drawing the line in the sand and forcing them to choose between upholding the constitution and tyranny? At least there would be no question then who is with us and who is against us. That the law is on our side couldn’t be more inarguable.
All states should be devising strategies to counter the criminalizing of the administration's poltical opponents, and determining how to safeguard our commonwealth from the insurgency of these treasonous tactics. If our state leadership won’t intervene, this will get ugly, and sadly, we are at the point where we will need to have a plan.
Sucks that it’s come to this, but if we have a society where people have no problem with harassing and incarcerating people because they don’t support their candidate, the war has already begun. Anyone who would do this is an enemy of the republic. There is not other way to see this.
Great post. Simply put, the CIA/FBI/DC blob is the “Praetorian Guard” of our time.
The next six years is going to be a street brawl when Trump is back in office and begins to put things in order…..15 million people facing deportation a lot of useful idiots to be manipulated for destabilization
Maybe they should classify the Declaration of Independence as subversive disinformation.
The Babylon Bee is already on it:
FBI Firearm Training Facility Replaces Paper Targets With Copies Of The Constitution
Way too close to truth Tom.