>>“I just read the director of national intelligence report regarding the status of the Iran nuclear program, and I would urge every member of the House and the Senate to read it,” Graham said during a press conference at the Capitol.

Where was that POS Graham when Obama did the first "nuclear" deal with Iran, that Iran NEVER actually signed - which netted Iran pallets of cash and de facto authorization ton continue to develop nukes?

Where was that POS Graham when the (unelected) Biden-Harris Junta was sending tens of billions to Iran, enabling it to both fund Hamas et. als. AND consummate its nuclear program?

Speaking of unelected, where was the POS Graham when some of us were trying to blow the whistle on the stolen election / coup d'etat of 2020 ... but for which there would have been no (unelected) Biden-Harris Junta and so no funding for Iran in recent years?

I have a feeling that he'll be on Fox News for the next several nights, talking tough. Again. Thankfully I won't have to endure that, as I stopped watching Fox after the 2020 election.

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I stopped too. Graham stands out in Congress as the number one enemy on peace. Everything means war. I still can't get over that clip of him in Ukraine.

BTY, Biden gave an in-person welcoming home US citizens from Russia today. His last comment to, I guess a reporter, was about Trump - why did he not do it when he was president.

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Graham never met a war he didn't like. Would love to see his holdings in defense contractors. Ukraine/Russia is about tapped out so time to jump on the ME war train...

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That's rich - US & EU dips 'race against time' sitting in front of their identity flags. Let us pretend they have any legitimate purpose other than ruining their countries on behalf of the banksters and their one world order.

Now appears the reason behind Israel's pretense they did not know in advance about Hamas' detailed plan of attack last October is showing its ugly face.

Misplaced Biden and Ms Cackle have adopted the O plan of leading from behind.

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