Joe Biden is mentally compromised. He is bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party. His national security team is composed of similar individuals, all of whom place multiple interests above their loyalty to the people of the United States. Our foreign policy is in free fall, and the world is catching fire.
The latest nascent disaster? An impending invasion of Guyana by the hostile Marxist regime of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela.
Venezuela claims roughly two-thirds of the neighboring nation of Guyana as its own. Maduro, no doubt sure that Biden will do nothing to interfere, has announced a national referendum at which he will ask the people of Venezuela whether he should simply declare this part of Guyana a new Venezuelan state, and then occupy it.
Elections in Venezuela are never really in doubt. There is as much chance the referendum will fail as that Maduro will be voted out of office. In other words, it appears Maduro is about to attack Guyana.
Why? Because Guyana may be a small country but it is rich in oil, gold, and copper. In particular, Guyana controls lucrative offshore oil fields being developed by multiple companies including Exxon.
In support of the mad idea of invading Guyana, the Venezuelan government has released a series of videos of Venezuelan children playing in the lush forests and cascading waterfalls of Guyana and an official song, The Essequibo is Ours. Essequibo is the portion of Guyana that Maduro wants to annex.
“It’s in your hands, compatriots,” Maduro pleads in one video, to the upbeat drumming of the catchy pop tune. “Vote five times yes!”
Meanwhile, the Brazilian Ministry of Defense has announced the deployment of troops to its northern border as a preemptive “defensive measure” in response to escalating tensions between Venezuela and Guyana. It is unclear at this juncture whether the Brazilians are simply being prudent or intend to assist Maduro in the impending invasion.
“The Ministry of Defense is monitoring the situation. Defensive measures have been reinforced in the northern border region, contributing to an increased military presence,” stated Brazil’s Ministry in a Wednesday evening release.
The Venezuelan threats are not being made in a vacuum. Caracas has mobilized troops along the border with Guyana. When questioned about the action Venezuela stated that it was surging troops to the area to help cut down on illegal mining activity.
As all of this has been perculating and heading toward possible war, the Biden administration, never one to miss a chance to project weakness decided to suspend sanctions on Venezuelan oil and investments in the country’s oil and gas sector. Wars can be expensive. Apparently, Joe wanted to make sure Maduro had the cash on hand for this one.
The Biden administration justified the lifting of sanctions saying that Venezuela was making progress toward ensuring fair elections in 2024. Given that the Biden administration has shown no similar inclination it seems unlikely Maduro’s assurances amount to anything. It should also be noted that while Joe seems eager to help the Venezuelan oil industry he continues to wage war on American domestic fossil fuel production.
Venezuela is a communist dictatorship. It has a longstanding operational relationship with Iran and Hezbollah. Maduro provides Hezbollah operatives with fully backstopped alias documents so that they can operate clandestinely worldwide including inside the United States. Maduro has also been dumping inmates from his country’s jails into the flood of Venezuelans fleeing his nation and walking across our now-open southern border.
Venezuela is also increasingly part of a bloc of nations allied with Communist China in opposition to the United States. After Maduro’s trip to China in September, the Chinese government announced the upgrading of the relationship between the two countries.
“China has always viewed its relations with Venezuela from a strategic and long-term perspective, and firmly supports Venezuela's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty, national dignity and social stability, as well as Venezuela's just cause of opposing external interference," Xi Jinping told Maduro.
"The establishment of an all-weather strategic partnership between China and Venezuela meets the common expectations of the two peoples and conforms to the general trend of historical development," Xi added.
Sun Yanfeng, Deputy Director of the Institute of Latin American Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, noted that Venezuela is the first Latin American country with which China has established such a strategic partnership.
"The upgraded relationship means increased political trust, strategic need of each other, and high-level cooperation between the two sides. It also means they will surely expand cooperation in multilateral frameworks and, therefore, contribute to building a fair and just international order," Sun said.
In other words, almost certainly the Chinese not only knew in advance about Maduro’s plans for Guyana but agreed to support them. Once upon a time, we considered the Western Hemisphere off-limits to foreign intervention.
No longer.
In the era of Joe Biden, all bets are off. The United States and its allies are fair game everywhere.
Maduro is about to invade Guyana. We are going to do nothing to stop him.
As Rosie mentioned, Poland being carved up by agreement between the National Socialists (Nazi's) and Communists of the USSR came to mind as I read this.
Also, if memory serves, Smartmatic is reputed to have developed the source code used (by all?) of the election machine companies. Smartmatic, in turn, was (allegedly) developed by Hugo Chavez to enable perpetually stolen elections in Venezuela.
This would explain the U.S. election in 2020, and Brazil in 2022. Insertions of (at a minimum) CCP compromised puppets into power.
Finally, CCP efforts in South and Central America (including the Panama Canal) may be akin to building "allies" adjacent to our homeland as a counter to Taiwan / Japan / Australia in the Pacific. Forcing our military to also have to divert resources to our own neighborhood.
The next year is shaping up to be incomprehensibly dangerous, as (what I refer to as) the Globalist-CCP Axis recognizes that its most opportune time to act is while Biden is still (on paper) the U.S. "Commander in Chief."
It wasn't that long ago that none of this sh*t was happening (ie: Ukraine, Gaza, Taiwan *soon,now this). Elections have consequences. Stolen elections have disastrous consequences