The collapse of the bridge, after plenty of warning, is an apt analogy to the ongoing collapse of the United States, also after warnings galore.

One does not need to believe Ms. Logan's "conspiratorial" analysis to draw similar conclusions to hers. However, given the recent historical record connecting the dots from the inception of a "conspiracy theory" to absolute proof of the hypothesis three to six months later, Ms. Logan might prove to be a truth teller.

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I'll withhold placing blame, if it's even possible to determine, on the DALI bridge collision. At the very least it was the culmination of a perfect storm of failures, it would be interesting to see a mathematical analyses of all that had to go wrong in two minutes for this end result.

Of all the fiascos we have had during this administration I do find it interesting that sleepy Joe was awake and made a statement (spend money), Ms. Pete happened to be on break from chest feeding the kids, the Governor had an upbeat almost lighthearted message prepared. I guess you can be that way when 'only' 6 people, so far, were killed in the collapse. I most likely won't believe the final report anyway, not after all the lies this this administration has told since its sham inauguration to include Afghanistan, Ukraine, East Palistine Ohio, Nordstream, FDA, CDC, FBI, CIA, and more. I hold the Republican party equally to blame for this lack of confidence.

If released from its shackles, the American spirit and ingenuity can have this channel cleared and open in 30 days, and a reconstructed bridge in operation within two years. Just a guess based on the rebuilds of the freeways after the catastrophic earthquakes in California in 1989 and 1994. However,

The United States has off shored so much of our supply chain and manufacturing capability I question if we could even provide the steel to rebuild a new FSK Bridge. It would probably be racist anyway...

Have a meaningful Resurrection weekend Mr. Faddis

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I expect nothing less than this in performance from the leadership of this administration. From the cabinet members down and throughout all the bureaucratic departments and agencies it is evident that they have been intentionally staffed with DEI and even worse personnel. What could possibly go wrong?

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For the most part, nobody knows anyone in this administration. Mayor Pete is an exception because he, of course, is in charge of finding racism everywhere, pledging allegiance to the rainbow flag, while taking as much time off as Joe Biden. They are all incompetent at best but seemingly only focused on dividing and destroying the country. As Sam points out, though, some of the incidents we should have been learning from happened over forty years ago. In that amount of time, there have been a number of administrations from both parties that seem to have missed the lessons. At least Mayor Pete and Joe had time to address this incident directly and promptly - which is a first for them. Even some conservative types noticed that, unlike East Palestine, members of the Administration could be found and were trying to be, at least outwardly, supportive.

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