McConnell and McCarthy are too weak to do anything about removing Biden. What can we do?

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Biden is absolutely feckless, unless he is intentionally trying to run the US into the ground. If that is the case, he's about as effective and productive as anyone could be.

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I believe everything you say. My concerns are as follows;

How bad would Kamala be?

Unintended consequences we can not envision .

Other countries views and prejudices toward a woman in charge

This country might see her as Clintons puppet.

Who she names as a VP? Clinton? Obama? There is no constitution amendment against Obama being Vice President.

No respect/confidence from Congress as to her ability to govern.

No respect/confidence from the general public.

Possibility for 2.5 term president if she goes in by a certain date.

Doesn’t have the will of the people behind her.

Russia, china form alliances and she doesn’t have the background to nix that.

Taiwan and Ukraine no experience. If I was Russia/China the day she takes office I do everything to make her life miserable. Take overs, shut down of trade, call in loans, cut off resource. I would make it so difficult for citizen of the USA they would either riot, die, give up, just to get back to normal. I would also ratchet it up every day, every week, till civil war within the US boundaries. I would then show other countries that we can be a better alliance and we stay out of human rights of that country. Anyone who allies with the US suffers.

Stock markets crash because of above volatility

Scary really scary.

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Mr. Faddis,

The incompetence is ours and its too late to vote or make any other legal maneuvers to escape the results of our greed, thirst for wealth and our government subsidies great and small as well as being atomized, frivolous and self interested has undone us. Then after raking in our own swag for decades when now bankrupt the government came for our money, when it demanded the loyalty it paid us for we turned on them - so they our rulers have turned on us.

And the performance of our rulers is Competent.

“We are waging war on the fossil fuel industry, impoverishing our own people, and deliberately tanking our economy.”

No, they are tanking our economy and there is no “ours” or us in any case.

The difference between Goldman Sachs and the professional welfare recipient , and all the middle class HUD grants , receiving many hundreds or thousands of times in social security of what one paid is not a moral difference but one of degree.

We elect Carnival folk aka Carnies or Cardsharps like McConnell - elected by good Church going folk I’m sure- to steal for us.

We voted for a government to rob our neighbors and are SHOCKED, SHOCKED to discover we are ruled by thieves.

When now bust the thieves began to rob us we elect PT Barnum to shake up the circus, but all he did was stir a hornets nest that is stinging us to death.

Yes, death. The economy ? Greedy fools you are going to starve soon, and you deserve it 🇺🇸. Perhaps no one explained that thieves become murderers when other thieves (that’s you 🇺🇸) try to double cross them?

Your economy America is that of Ireland in 1845. Do look up Gorta Mor, that’s your economy.

I’m a combat veteran with multiple deployments by the way and disgusted with 🇺🇸. You did this to yourself and now armed to the teeth, more guns than hands you lay down and die- because self defense might be too expensive.

Want to know “your economy “?

Review the events of Donner Lake.

That’s your economy.

You chose this, now reap it.

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Dead on

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