Unfortunately, the depth of criminality and the lack of concern for the Constitution in the Beltway.....along with the undermining of our institutions.......as evidenced by the recent events in Florida and the FBI.......coupled with the corruption that we were exposed to during the Trump years.....all would indicate that the existence of our Republic is an illusion that we covet. How this will be unraveled and corrected dares the mind to imagine. Our Founding Fathers must be hanging their heads in sadness for the careless abandonment and lack of appreciation that we have exhibited toward their profoundly brilliant legacy. We have also been very stupid in our superficial arrogance......and now coupled with our slothfulness. Shame! Shame! Shame on us!

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Strong work.

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i like to pretend the source of the suppression is to shield active investigations.

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Yes, just watched it. In it Gregg Phillips also mentioned that the same players operate the CCP "election" system. Everybody should watch this interview.

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