No farmers no food. Basic concept.

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I wasn't a "Q" guy (liked the stated intentions, just thought it too good to be true, and skeptical why if real it'd be signaling its plans). That said, it's motto WWG1WGA (Where We Go One, We Go All) comes to mind.

Bravo to the Dutch farmers - their fight is our fight (and vice-versa). We are all fighting a Globalist-Collectivist cabal (Satanic evil at root).

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Stick to your guns Netherlands the whole world is watching and are behind you. We should have a mass exodus of people world wide converge on the Netherland and force their Government to the streets.

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I live in America because my grandparents made it out of Russia — most of my family perished -- starvation, pogroms, gulags. Some fled to Eastern Europe only to be murdered in Hitler’s ovens. The study of modern man’s ability to transform civilized society to a living hell and to change from refined to savage has been an obsession of mine. I cannot fool myself into thinking it cannot happen here. My eternal hope is in the Lord, but while here, we must fight for righteousness, expose evil, and take up the cause of the powerless against evil. It is lawful that we the people resist with all force the lawless ...”That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it...when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” The Declaration of Independence (We have a RIGHT and a DUTY.)

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Dear God in Heaven... the dogs of war have been released. Thank you, Sam Faddis, Michael Yon, can we but name a handful of trustworthy journalists to give voice and insight?! God bless and strengthen those who resist these malevolent forces. God awaken those who sleep! Is this insurmountable? Why did America surrender her freedom so easily and become complacent as an infirm weakling and a treasonous regime grabbed the reigns of power and declared war on Americans’ sovereignty, security and economy ... and set about destroying every strength and institution ...laying siege to the very foundations of the nation: family, faith, morality, education, science, medicine, technology, industry, economy, justice, and government? Like a great building that is brought down through carefully placed charges, all ignited in strategic sequence, this globalist cabal has infiltrated every essential pillar of western society, setting off the collapse of complex systems in strategic sequence. God help us.

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If they think January 6 was an insurrection they haven't seen anything yet. That was just a practice run. We should storm the Capital and free all those Patriots who are being held without due process. That's what Dictators do and it's time to overthrow this tyrannical government as Thomas Jefferson said is our right and duty in the DOI.

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Dutch farmers are the new Minutemen! They have shown us the way to resist and defeat the Deep State and the WEF's "Great Reset." Let us pray they are not crushed like the Canadian truckers.

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Yea we were saying that about the Canadian truckers and they caved to the Dictator Trudeau. That was the time the 1775 Revolution should have started, the minute they seized their bank accounts. The world is running out of chances. The more we go to a certain point and back down when the Governments put the pressure on the more it's like "the boy who cried wolf"

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The whole world must revolt and riot and if the police get in the way then they will suffer the consequences. If they are that stupid not to side with the people and disobey the elitist's orders then they will get hurt and many will die. No more cowering when the Governments try to crack down on our protests. Get in the way and pay. Continue to pray to God for a peaceful resolution and that is for the Governments to take their hands off our necks and back off. They have a choice to make. The world will not be subjugated to serfdom.

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You are correct. Signs are everywhere. Great read. Thanks

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