Biden might as well move out of the WH and leave the keys for Xi. I don’t care if it was a scout troop. Unauthorized objects should and must be prevented from entering US airspace period. As to our readiness, check with Ukraine for our spare parts. Anyone who doesn’t understand this is intentional must be asleep

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Open borders is this admins policy, whether at ground level or 36000 ft.

Dan, as to tracking, without a transponder I don't think FlightRadar24 or SkyGlass could see it. When MW sees re-fuelers airborne he never sees fighters, they don't want to be seen.

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Could somebody on FlightRadar24 or Monkewerx follow-up on the status of this balloon? The proof will be in the route, and needs to be made public by those of us who would kind of like to see our Republic last a while longer. FJB

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