>>" it still seems a little remarkable that no one in federal law enforcement has managed to find even a little time to delve into the possibility that we are facing the greatest counterintelligence threat in the history of the republic."

Obama was a "community organizer" - a euphemism that Saul Alinsky ("Rules for Radicals") coined for (Marxist) agitators / organizers. Obama's teenage mentor was CPUSA major figure Frank Marshall Davis. Obama was an instructor for ACORN, and there's a photo of him in an academic setting with Alinsky words and phrases on a blackboard. His stepfather was Muslim, and Obama spent some years in Muslim Indonesia. His college years are mysterious, as is his birth certificate.

That Obama had eight years to control who got recruited and promoted within the federal government and military - and not just organically (recall reports of his "purging" certain officers out).

Obama has now had 3+ years running the "Biden" White House to continue execution of same (and, likely, his minions continued the program at slower scale during the Trump Presidency).

So, when one ponders the possibility that the FBI and most/all critical federal agencies have been "elite captured" on a derivative basis - that their leadership is likewise either compromised or ideologically anti-American - then there is a logic, a plausible explanation for the inaction about the Biden family (and Hillary's server). So too, the inaction about the stolen election / coup d'etat of November, 2020.

Ditto re: the high level influence of Iranian affiliated folks that Mr. Faddis has written about.

In short, the highest level leadership across D.C. is all (or at least mostly) working for the same "Red-Green Axis" team, and so, for the demise of the United States of America.

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China OWNS California and through bribes and honeypot has its tentacles into every aspect of our culture. The next 6 years is going to be a street brawl ferreting out the corruption and holding those accountable. Hopefully we have the moral and political will for the challenge

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Meanwhile, back at the FBI, Chris Wray apparently does not know the difference between revenge and justice…

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I’m so glad you brought this up again. Thank you.

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'Did China buy Joe Biden'? I think so, though he is a worthless asset in his current mental state. But through this hair sniffing pervert China was able to grab a number of lesser politicians and get whatever they wanted. Only through God's grace will this country survive. I pray my grandchildren won't be forced to speak Mandarin.

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China has likely upgraded and expanded its spying facilities in Cuba, posing potentially severe implications for the U.S.


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