The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) is funded by 30 member states and the District of Columbia to maintain their voter rolls. ERIC performs two separate services for Pennsylvania (PA), one related to list maintenance and the other to get out the vote (GOTV). Let’s focus on their list maintenance service or, should I say, the lack thereof. At best, ERIC has done little to nothing to clean up PA’s voter rolls since 2020. At worst, they may be using inactive voters as
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ERIC Needs Fired!
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The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) is funded by 30 member states and the District of Columbia to maintain their voter rolls. ERIC performs two separate services for Pennsylvania (PA), one related to list maintenance and the other to get out the vote (GOTV). Let’s focus on their list maintenance service or, should I say, the lack thereof. At best, ERIC has done little to nothing to clean up PA’s voter rolls since 2020. At worst, they may be using inactive voters as