It stuns me that no one seems to care about this. It’s their country too. They’re certainly aware it’s happening. Why don’t our elected officials say anything? Are they working on this threat behind the scenes?

What in the hell is wrong with Mike Johnson?

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You are living on a rudderless ship right now.

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Yep. Johnson certainly isn’t the rudder.

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That would be better than the course we have been on since Carter. New world order is the goal and all the presidents and their men are on board, they just don't want us to know. Perhaps not Trump, yet.

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Agreed, the broken rudder would be reference to the corruption within our government that has allowed them to progress this far.

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Can it get any worse?

USA Today calling Mark Kelly the person GOP should fear as Harris VP. Read

its article for reasons


Not only does the WEF have ways to recruit their makers/shakers so does

the CCP through several programs. Here is one of them -

Mark Kelly met Giffords at an all-expense paid five-day retreat co-hosted

by Young Leaders Forum and the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign

Affairs in 2003. Mark also participated in the 2004 & 2005 Young Leaders

Forum conferences. He took a 2003 Forum banner with him on a 2006 space

mission. He did considerable business in China after leaving the military in 2012.

This tidbit along with others can be found in Trevor Loudon’s Security Risk Senators Part 1, pub 2022.

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For these two to be elected would be the victory the leftist D.S. have dedicated themselves to as well as the demise of our democratic two-party system as it stands now. The exposure of these two (I can't use the words to describe) is critical.

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It appears he has been taking his cues from Trump, and no telling where he gets his ideas.

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I couldn't agree more Mr. Faddis, and I don't have the intel resources at hand that you do. In simplistic jargon, we're screwed. Our one potential saving grace is 2A, "if we can keep it".

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Thank you Sam for providing news that I otherwise would not know about.

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All US voting machines and tabulators were deemed CI under Obama in the last days of his presidency. It took a while, but every state got theirs attached by November 2020 to the Fed's FirstNet infrastructure, operated by who else other than AT&T, the most trusted to get the USG the information it needs to run the United States of American, Inc.

Look no further than the Mayorkas and wonder boy Buttigieg to protect our transportation system. If the terrorist don't upset the apple cart, DEI employees eventually will.

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You are on it 100%.

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Perhaps, but to no avail. Knowledge does not always translate to power to do something about it.

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Sharing the knowledge will translate into power as more people become aware and share as well. We will prevail; keep sharing and keep the faith.

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If people can't see the reality right in front of them, what will it take?


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Some people can't see because they are in a form of denial and they won't see until it is too late. You can't let them slow you down, you have to continue moving forward sharing with those that are becoming aware.

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