I assumed they had them since Obama was president.

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Only Valerie Jarrett knows for sure, but the problem is, no one but Obama knows where she is. She ran the Obama presidency from behind protective cover and when Obama left the presidency for his new headquarters just a few miles from the White House, the press release stated that Jarrett would be at the helm. Since then, she's made just a few select statements here and there but for the last three years she's not made any public appearances. There's a reason for this period of silence......which is it's necessary and essential for the success of the current Obama-Biden objectives of fundamentally transforming the USA.

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We’re screw. If this administration’s previous hires are an example of what they’re hiring for the intelligence agencies we’re absolutely screwed. Stealing luggage from airport turnstiles, stealing classified information and providing it to an enemy, running the economy into the ground, transportation backups for months and allowing unvetted, possibly terrorist to come across the border by the tens of millions increasing crime hundreds of percentage points. Yep we’re so very screwed , lock n load folks it’s gonna be a very bumpy ride. Pray for us pray for yourself and ask God to forgive our lawless disgusting government and pray that God takes mercy on us because at this point he’s our only hope.

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