I have trouble believing that if a rogue nation actually develops functional nukes that they would actually consider using them to attack another country. The power is in having nukes. Actually using one or more spends that power and probably results in the complete elimination of the country that would attack another with nuclear weapons. We would wake up the next day in a very different world. The leaders of the offending nation would not have that luxury.

I was a nuke-qualified pilot during my days as an F-16 pilot in the 1980s.

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I clearly see your logic and reasoning here Tim, but the context of this assertion is, people who view death a glorious event, which is even more glorious when dying in the act of killing the infidels. And I would believe that Iran has backing by someone else with a nuke arsenal.

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The people running N Korea/Iran don't believe in death as a glorious event. They want those they rule to believe it. They are in it for the power. IMO.

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David & Tim, I'm unsure who is 'running' NK and Iran though I disagree with your premise that Iran is in it for power. NK, maybe. NK is an atheistic government, Iran is 100% opposite and has a desire to pave the way for their Islamic Mahdi. Iran's stated goal is elimination of the great Satan (USA) and the little Satan (Israel). In my Christian hopes I thought for the longest time that I would see the destruction of Damascus as prophesied in Ezekiel 17. With the events since the 2020 stolen election I'm beginning to think that the great satan will be taken out first. The USA is not spoken of in the last days. Iran is, as is Israel and all its neighbors, and also the king to the North (Russia?) and the army from the East, a lot of conjecture on who that mat be.

I grew up during and served on a bomber/tanker base in the cold war days, nukes circling the globe 24-7. After WW-II all nations understood the destruction of a nuclear blast. As Tim states, the power and respect that having a nuc brings is intoxicating. My thoughts as an old guy watching events unfold is that biological warfare has replaced the nuclear bomb as the largest threat to mankind. No doubt, a nuclear blast in a prominent location in any country will garner tons of attention. But biological attacks could be carried out easily, quietly, in multiple locations and undetected in any country with no borders and weak leadership.

Perhaps Iran will attempt to wipe Israel off the map with a nuc as promised and be foiled at the last moment and take out Damascus instead. We are witnessing fascinating times!

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A few years ago information came out that the C_IA are responsible for running NK and Iran as well as a few others.

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You mean the C_IA?

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I did not realize that about Iran. Thanks for the clarification.

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Take 58 minutes and watch all of this grab popcorn and watch.

Very important. more people in the country needs to see this. It goes along with what is happening at our border, Israel, NK, Rus., China Ukraine, and what is getting ready to take place at an unknown instant coordinated attack here against the US.


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The book is derived from the document produced by the CCP Unrestricted Warfare, which is orders to the PLA CCP.

It was originally intercepted by the CIA, and was posted on a CIA website C4i, which later was made public


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Yes, I believe the October 7th attacks were planned once Iran had some form of nuclear weapons in their possession. Iran is emboldened by their nukes, by the deals from Obama and Biden, by the war in Ukraine, by China's growing threat to Taiwan and most importantly by Biden's feebleness and the dividedness of our country due to neo-marxist ideologies embraced by the democrats. On the eve of WW3 we have a dementia patient and his leftist handlers running our country.

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