Glenn Greenwald, on Tucker, says that the big deal with what Biden did is that Ukraine does not have the technology to launch the missiles we gave them without ours, or other NATO command centers facilitating the launches, effectively making us directly complicit with the attacks, which means Biden has engaged in unprovoked aggression toward Russia without congressional approval. So, it appears that congress is ok with that. He also said that in an interview with Mike Johnson before he became speaker, he told him the opposite of what he now believed as speaker, and upon questioning him, he told Greenwald that he was pulled into a secret meeting with CIA and that he then changed his positions—180 degrees. Was he being made an offer he could not refuse? What has caused him to compromise his Christian values and to further usurp our freedom and our rights? Who really is running this country? Will Trump change that, or is it too late? Will Trump become true to his word, or the next Propagandist-in-chief? God, I hate to have to think on such terms as this.

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As I’m writing this, the honorable Admiral Samuel Paparo stated that “The wars in Ukraine and the Middle East are eating away at critical U.S. weapons stockpiles”. The Israel-Hamas war is wrapping up but the Russia-Ukraine war rages on, draining precious military resources for combat readiness.

Is this how Putin and Xi conspired to weaken the U.S. military? When President Trump takes office we’re going to find out.

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Carlos; What lack of armament hasn't accomplished, DEI will finish. We are a paper tiger with millions of intruders inside the wire. If we are to survive it will only be through God's mercy.

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If you want to know the future, look to the past. We are making the same mistakes that led us into WWI.

The U.S. has already committed acts of war against Russia by preventing them access to SWIFT (financial warfare) and destroying the NordStream 2 pipeline. The destruction of NordStream was also an act of war against our NATO allies.

Clearly, those wanting war retain the levers of power.

War is a rich man’s game, but a poor guy has to fight it.

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The U.S. needs to pull out of NATO.

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Message is clear. We could be getting ready to enter the final war

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More saber rattling by Putin. He’s had what? Almost 30 times he’s drawn a line in the sand and said “don’t cross this or else…”

Of course, there is always a chance he uses nukes, but both China and India have told Moscow not to disrupt their own access to cheap Russian oil and gas right now.

Putin knows his buddy Trump will soon negotiate in favor of the Kremlin and they get back all they had of Ukraine (before they invaded, before they violated their own agreement not to).

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