Tony Shaffer quote of Sun Tzu

Tactics with out Strategy is Noise Before Defeat

In the case of the current leaders

I look at the motive and the strategy they use to accomplish their motives and end goals

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Exactly what I expect from the Obama administration and his global backers. I am sure Valarie Jarrett is laughing from her office from behind the Biden Curtain.

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General Milley broadcast the philosophy of retaliatory strikes of the 'new' Pentagon when he called Xi Jinping and stated 'don't worry, if President Trump takes military action I'll let you know first'.

We have a government full of traitors. Time to take a chainsaw to DC.

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Dog & Pony show.

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Thank you Mr. Faddis for this "inside baseball" that even the remainder of the alternative media seems to have missed.

Clinton and cruise missile strikes on Sudan also come to mind.

B. Hussein Obama (along with the CCP, IMHO) helped to install the unelected Biden-Harris Junta into power - effecting a coup d'etat against our Constitutional Republic.

B. Hussein Obama and crew (e.g., Valerie Jarrett) are running the Junta on behalf of the Globlalist-CCP Axis.

B. Hussein Obama has long been Muslim Brotherhood / Iran friendly. Hence the safe-and-effective "Arab Spring" that took out (relatively friendly to the U.S.) leaders in Egypt and Libya, and marked the initial phases of establishing a new caliphate around the southern Mediterranean.

B. Hussein Obama executed the "Iran nuclear deal" - bypassing Constitutional treaty provisions - and (amongst other things) sent pallets of cash to Tehran. This even the Iran never even signed the deal. (And so arguably never actually breached it as it continued to develop nuclear weapons?).

Finally, the subset of the CCP doctrine about simultaneously miring the U.S. in multiple war fronts comes to mind (as well-explained in the Epoch Times documentary "The Final War").

There is no greater existential peril than having "enemies within" in charge.

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