SweetPea128 and Paul Rancatore pretty well summed up my thoughts, right down to the three letter agency. I am still amazed at how easily we the people are being led to slaughter, and so willing (gleefully) to throw our Jewish brothers under the bus. We no longer deserve God's grace, forgive us Father.

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I think the "hostages" are a smoke screen. This administration has been attacking the Israeli government under Netanyahu without success, even instigating their military to not respond to the Prime Minister's orders. The hostages angle is just to shield this administration from its ultimate purpose of destroying Israel, giving it a humanitarian spin. Everyone knows this phoney regime hates America and wants to transform this country. Having a bumbling senile figurehead is just a diversion from their evil agenda. The Congress is impotent and of no value any longer. I'll end there as I don't want to be shot by the FBI.

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Regardless what Obama’s team “negotiates”, they will never halt Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

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