Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Our nation is not being run by the man who sits in the Oval Office. It is being run by unidentified individuals around him or perhaps behind him in the shadows. None of these persons are elected officials who have the constitutional authority to act as Commander-in-Chief. None of them are subject to the checks and balances built into the republic. They have in effect usurped the President’s power and seized control over the most powerful nation on Earth.

By Sam Faddis

I the sender of this message, have warned several that the debate went just as the Democrats and those really running things wanted it to go. Do not cheer that Biden will be replaced, it is their plan to gain ultimate permanent control of our country.

This was an op


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The USG spent more than a year having hundreds of warehouses, poultry farms, fertilizer plants, grain elevators, and other food related structures torched or blown up. FBI intercedes in each investigate. Anyone ever hear even one FBI explanation? Cargo ships taking out bridges? FBI will handle. FBI is too busy locking up little old ladies for praying at abortion facilities, and peaceful protesters that dare get near The Peoples House. How to keep fish out of the food supply? Bankrupt the fishermen.

Bannon goes to prison, Alex Jones has his businesses taken, Trump can’t even count his indictments, Eastman is bankrupt, America’s Mayor has his law license revoke, and all the Trumpers are harassed and jailed. We are all in their sites, they do know who we are and SCOTUS says go get em.

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Our moral indifference has led us here it is a spiritual problem, misplaced priorities a common problem with prosperity….we take it for granted and love the gifts more than the God who gave them to us. Will we follow the same pattern into the ditch of tyranny others have?? Will we survive long enough to turn things around…….?

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This all commenced with the "Progressive" movement in late 19th century - and the administrative state was part of the plan (see, e.g., the 1912 book "Philip Dru: Administrator"). Constitution-despising (and racist) Woodrow Wilson began installing the infrastructure: the federal income tax, the federal reserve, direct election of U.S. Senators.

FDR did not let a crisis go to waste, and gave us the "alphabet agencies" that have metastasized over the succeeding decades.

The American frog has been on a century-long boil.

Perhaps God has a sense of irony. Toward the end, Wilson had a stroke in office, was incapacitated, and with the silence of the press, Americans didn't realize that his wife was running the show. Echoing what we're seeing in the current regime ("administration" doesn't apply as Biden wasn't duly-elected).

God willing, perhaps this "full circle" marks the beginning of the reversal of the Progressive project to "fundamentally transform" us, and the commencement of our (eventual) restoration of our Constitutional Republic "as designed." And may the restoration not take a century!

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Perhaps a majority believe in a Deity, but so few believe Satan exists. Now a moral code of ethics is only an individual thing so no one can say someone else's sense of morals is wrong, so says college education individuals under about 40.

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P.S. This 1998 Introduction to a reprint of "Philip Dru: Administrator" will provide some good insight:


(Also, a "hat tip" to Glenn Beck. I first heard about this book back when he had his show on Fox and discussed it.)

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I did not know that Welch had a university. I must check that out given I'm a JBS member.

It was GB on Fox that had me buy my first TV since 1985. I listened to his radio program for some years and thought what the heck, might as well watch him. Joined the Blaze as soon as it was live well over a decade ago. Paid Dish an extra $5 a month to watch his own TV program once he left Fox. Most everything I know either came from my two sons, GB, G. Edward Griffin and Skousen.

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I'm a JBS member too. :-)

Also a long-term Blaze subscriber (even when GB went whacky for a while there) - still many other good programs there. PLUS, we all need to help keep "alternative media" alive (which is why I also subscribe to Epoch Times and other sources).

>>Most everything I know either came from my two sons, GB, G. Edward Griffin and Skousen.

That is a worthy list!

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Interesting since we also follow Sam. I purchased Welch's book the Politician last year, haven't read it yet. Poor Glenn did go weird for a while. In the mid-2000s I used to tape his programs - still have a large box of those tapes.

I got four people to subscribe to ET a few years ago. They were not aware of it. I used to post a lot of comments, not so much now. Still get their pop-ups. My sons were groupies of Alex Jones since the early 90s even though older than him!

I financially support more people/groups than I following. Never a FB or Twitter person, or any of the other social sites. I believe I've seen your name before on another SS.

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Unfortunately, when I speak up, people tend to think I'm nuts and believe the exact opposite. All my immediate family members got the clot shot after my extensive and repeated warnings about their deficient safety testing and safety warning signals, for example. Friends stop being friends. All that's left is to become a prepper.

Thank you for sounding the alarm in a much more effective way.

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