Every day we learn of more and more deception and machinations of our rights. I am nearing the point of let it burn. Why continue with the farce? Good people will find a way to survive and create separate from the control of these depraved individuals and institutions. A new beginning?

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At first Mr. Faddis, I thought you were doing a story on voting in Oregon. The first state with 100% vote by mail (1998). Automatically registered to vote anytime a person does business with a state agency. An office of mal-information, dis-information and mis-information monitored by AI in the UK. The 'Blobby' cartoon campaign by the (disgraced former) SoS telling everyone how great voting is in Oregon. Guaranteed, you think 2020 was bad? Wait until the nation is Oregon.

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Excellent post Sam. I can't help but think Pierre Omidyar is another Tech company founder that got his seed money the same way Google, PayPal, YouTube, Twitter and FakeBook got theirs. When Intel wants something built for special purposes it finds the people to do it. All of these ‘entrepreneurs/philanthropist,’ mostly born elsewhere, were always well-to-do tech geniuses and investors. Hardly. They were all recruited, paid money and given rights to the product. Also directed to purchase any emerging company that maybe or could compete with it. It was all for spying, control and readying the population for life under a one world order.

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