If you have been following the saga of Hunter’s Laptop from Hell, you will know that we are now in Phase Two of the coverup. In Phase One you were told that the laptop was the creation of the Russians designed to sabotage Joe Biden’s campaign for President. That lie has now collapsed, so in Phase Two we are being told that whatever Hunter was up to, it has nothing to do with Joe. Hunter may have spent his time up to his eyeballs in hookers and blow and kept company with a lot of unsavory characters, but Joe knew nothing about any of it.
“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Biden insisted in 2019. Essentially saying “There is no family enterprise.”

It is funny then that the contents of Hunter’s laptop do not jive at all with that characterization. On the contrary, the laptop is filled with documents and emails which make perfectly clear that Hunter and Joe worked closely together, commingled funds, and operated largely as a team. As noted in the tweet above, a close Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski has gone on record stating “I have heard Joe Biden say that he’s never discussed business with Hunter. That is false.”
A case in point would be the intelligence briefings shared with Hunter by the Office of the Vice President. Over a period of what appears to be years, a daily intelligence briefing prepared for Joe Biden was forwarded to Hunter and several other members of the Biden family. When this practice began is unclear. The documents reviewed so far appear to have been from the period after Joe left the White House. They were sent by a woman named Kathy Chung.
Kathy Chung was Joe’s special assistant when he was in the White House.
Chung was originally hired as an assistant to Joe Biden in 2012. Strangely enough, she was hired as Joe’s assistant by Hunter, the guy who has nothing to do with his father’s duties as Vice-President. Chung has been implicated before in sending information to Hunter for which he would have no legitimate use including the cellphone numbers for the leadership of the United States in the Senate and the House. That information was referred to by Retired General Mike Flynn as “a treasure trove of intelligence.”

Hunter apparently also worked through Chung to arrange meetings of foreign contacts with his father. Previous documentation revealed in public has established this fact. It is unclear on how many occasions this occurred but the documents that have surfaced make it look routine.

The intelligence briefs sent to Hunter each day appear to be open-source material only. They cover both domestic and foreign affairs and typically run to 20 pages. It is unclear what entity prepared them or who paid for that work.
It is unclear whether or not Hunter continues to receive daily intelligence briefings. The information on the laptop is dated and therefore cannot provide insight into the current state of play.
What is all too clear, however, is that the alleged separation between Joe and Hunter is as much fiction as the story that the laptop was a fake. The Biden family as a unit has run an influence-peddling operation for years that is likely unprecedented in scale. A whole host of bad actors paid a lot of money for access to Joe.
What did they get in exchange for all that money?
Nobody wants to speak ill of the dead, but is there any indication that Bo Biden was involved in criminal activity also? Or was he meant to stay squeaky clean? That seems impossible in that family.
"What did they get in exchange for all that money?"
I'm pretty sure they weren't looking for advice on cocaine and prostitutes, which as far as I have seen is about the only thing Hunter is good at.