Whom Do The Truckers Threaten And Why Are They So Afraid?
I spent most of Friday moving from spot to spot along the route of the People’s Convoy as it made its way through Western Maryland to its last stop before arriving in D.C. on Saturday. Here is what I saw.
I saw spontaneous gatherings of people, of all ages, shades, and persuasions at every overlook and overpass and any other location that looked like it would afford them a view of the convoy when it passed. I saw them wait patiently, talking, laughing, and smiling for hours just hoping for a glimpse of a group of other Americans who had the courage to stand up to their government, exercise their constitutional rights, and demand a redress of their grievances.
I saw old people in wheelchairs who had their kids wheel them up to the guardrail along the interstate so they could see the trucks when they came by. I saw teenagers who would otherwise likely be playing video games stand patiently for hours holding hand-lettered signs saying things like “Freedom” and “Restore Liberty Now.” I saw a bunch of five-year-olds wearing red, white, and blue “Uncle Sam” hats playing with a ragged old nylon tarp and collecting branches to build some sort of “hideout” under the trees.
Then I saw more vehicles in a convoy than I have ever seen anywhere before in my life. Perhaps tens of thousands. The scope of what I saw was so staggering I am still having trouble processing it.
There were flags. There were banners. There were trucks, passenger vehicles, and RVs. Horns blared. People waved. People shouted. People laughed and joked and some of them cried.

Here is what I didn’t see. I did not see any sign of Biden’s fantasy domestic violent extremist threat.
I heard no one utter a threat. I saw not a single sign that referenced violence. I saw no weapons. I saw no insurrection.
I saw America. Noble. Peaceful. Proud. And, very, very tired of a national government run by a tiny cabal of oligarchs who have the audacity to believe they can order a free people around and demand their obedience.
I saw the people who carved a nation out of a continent, won two World Wars, consigned the Soviet Union to the dustbin of history, and put a man on the Moon serving notice that they have had enough.
They are done. The time of the elitists, the globalists, and the money changers is over. The people are coming to cleanse their temple of all obscenities.
In D.C., the elitists are terrified. They have called in reinforcements. The idea that the common people of America would dare to come to the nation’s capital and presume to complain about the actions of the federal government has set off alarm bells and occasioned the summoning of reinforcements.
New York City cops, who apparently don’t have enough to do amidst the crime explosion in that city are on the streets of Washington as we speak. Their mission? To apprehend any truckers in the convoy who someone escapes capture elsewhere and makes it into the Forbidden City.

D.C. police have air assets engaged. They are warning the public about the threat of the trucker convoy.

The Internet is filled with warnings of the dire consequences to come. The trucker’s convoy is about to appear. You can see it just over the horizon. Not since the Visigoths appeared outside of Rome perhaps has an “invasion” been more feared.
Nowhere in any of this, though, is the answer to the essential question. To whom exactly are the people in the convoy a threat?
No one I saw along the road today seemed afraid of the folks in the convoy. I saw not a single person run screaming in fear at the sight of a big rig coming down the road. There were, as far as I could tell, no mothers hiding their children in the basement or fathers taking shotguns off the wall in fear of what was coming.
The people of America aren’t afraid of this convoy. In fact, to a very real extent, the people of America are this convoy. It is, quite literally, the physical manifestation of their disgust for a government that has ignored them, treated them with contempt, and trampled on their God-given rights.
So, the question remains – even as the helicopters circle and the police gather and the barriers go up.
Who do the truckers threaten and why are those people so afraid?