The recent arrest of Nicholas Roske for the attempted murder of Justice Kavanaugh has highlighted once again the true nature of the Marxist movement in this country. For all the talk about “equity” and “freedom” and “rights,” this is an explicitly violent attempt to overthrow the republic and to replace a capitalist, democratic system with one which is avowedly Communist. That is not hyperbole. That is fact.
Across the country, Marxist organizations are organizing and expanding, particularly in our colleges and universities. At Syracuse University in New York state, the Party for Socialism and Liberation recently held a pro-abortion protest on campus advocating for the end of capitalism and the abolishment of the Supreme Court. The means to achieve these ends was spelled out explicitly.
"I firmly believe we need a socialist society and in order to do that we need a revolution," Katie Mott, SU graduate student and Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) student committee member, told Campus Reform. "Will there be some bloodshed? Certainly. We gotta take back our power.”
"I mean we are a Marxist-Leninist organization, we do believe in class war, we believe that class war is the way forward. As we see right now peaceful protests aren’t getting us much, we need a new society," Mott added.
The PSL could not be more explicit in its goals or its methods. This is not a group seeking to work within the system. This is a group seeking to tear down the system and replace it with something explicitly Marxist and revolutionary.
“The Party for Socialism and Liberation exists to carry out the struggle for socialism inside the United States, the center of world capitalism and imperialism. The PSL stands in solidarity with our sisters and brothers around the world who are resisting capitalist exploitation and imperialist domination.”

“The Party for Socialism and Liberation is dedicated to building a revolutionary workers’ party in the United States. A party that can unite the multinational U.S. working class is an essential and irreplaceable element in the struggle for socialism. The PSL participates in the labor, anti-war, anti-racist, immigrant rights, women’s, lesbian/gay/bi/transgender/queer, environmental, student, and other movements. A revolutionary party can be built only by engaging in all issues affecting the working class.”

“For the working class, revolution is a necessity and a right. The most brutal aspects of capitalism will not go away unless there is a socialist revolution. Only a revolution can do away with the rule of the capitalists once and for all.”
“In order to guarantee the interests of working and poor people who make up the vast majority of the United States, a new revolutionary government run by and for the workers and poor will be established. The present capitalist government—the role of which has been to defend the big-business system of exploitation by a web of hundreds of measures, legal and illegal, and has been accessible only to the super-rich elite—will be abolished.”

Lest you think that PSL is a fringe group composed of handfuls of activists think again. PSL has chapters all across the country standing in solidarity with Cuba and Venezuela and singing the praises of the old Soviet Union and Communism. Members of the group are currently in Los Angeles where they are participating with dozens of other like-minded groups in something called the People’s Summit.

Among the “convening organizations” behind the Peoples Summit are:
The ANSWER Coalition – An anti-American, anti-Israel, pro-North Korea organization associated with the Party for Socialism and Liberation.
The ALBA Movimentos – Founded in 2004 by Cuba and Venezuela to oppose American foreign policy in Central and South America.
Code Pink – A U.S.-based leftist group that advocates for Venezuelan dictator Maduro and supports his brutal, Marxist regime. The group also sings the praises of the Communist Cuban government and opposes U.S. policy toward Havana.

International People’s Assembly – Yet another pro-Venezuelan organization advocating for a Marxist revolution in the United States. It advocates for the end of capitalism, the destruction of the constitutional republic, the nationalization of the means of production, and the elimination of the U.S. dollar.

All around us in this country groups are organizing, not for reform, but for revolution. They are in our streets. They have burned buildings and attacked police officers and now they are increasingly talking in terms of assassination as a legitimate form of political expression. While the Department of Homeland Security dedicates resources to the “threat” posed by parents who want a voice in their chidlren’s education, these groups are allowed to raise funds, meet, act and threaten the rule of law with impunity.
We are looking at a nationwide movement of Marxist organizations and a real threat to the stability of the nation. At best, we are doing nothing. In many ways, our government is furthering the cause of these radical interests.
We should have no doubt about their intent. When they say revolution that is exactly what they mean.
Reading the PSL quotes was not unlike reading the Democrat Party platform ...