What Is Chitin And Why Is It Being Pushed Into Our Food Supply?
There is a huge push to feed “bugs” to us. Already in Australia, they are pushing cricket snacks on children.

Chitin Definition
Chitin is a large, structural polysaccharide made from chains of modified glucose. Chitin is found in the exoskeletons of insects, the cell walls of fungi, and certain hard structures in invertebrates and fish. In terms of abundance, chitin is second to only cellulose. In the biosphere, over 1 billion tons of chitin are synthesized each year by organisms. This extremely versatile molecule can form solid structures on its own as in insect wings, or can combine with other components like calcium carbonate to make even stronger substances like the shell of a clam.
Like cellulose, no vertebrate animals can digest chitin on their own. Animals that eat a diet of insects often have symbiotic bacteria and protozoa which can break down the fibrous chitin into the glucose molecules that compose it.
This person says that eating “insects will eventually make you very sick.”

Here’s another link that says chitin has “Effects on Inflammatory and Immune Responses.”