What Else Could Have Been In That Trailer?
The U.S. Government No Longer Controls Our Souther Border - The Cartels Do
All of America is disgusted by the deaths of 53 illegal immigrants found abandoned in the back of a semi-truck trailer in Texas in the summer heat. We know that this is the inevitable result of the disastrous policies of the Biden administration. Even as we try to absorb the horror of dozens of people being baked alive, however, we must absorb the broader implications of this incident.
We have effectively abandoned control over our southern border. People from all over the world are pouring across it. All manner of other threats can utilize the same hole in our defenses to penetrate the country and stage attacks on our soil.
The news media like to feed the fantasy that individuals are finding their way here on their own. Average citizens of the globe are simply walking across the border unaided in search of better lives. This has no basis in reality. This is not what is happening.
People are being moved here by the millions by large, well-organized criminal enterprises. In many cases, these are the very same organizations that are flooding our cities and towns with drugs like fentanyl. These organizations are run by the evilest men on the planet who routinely use extreme violence to further their ends.
The criminal organizations in question have connections worldwide. They also have the capacity to reach deep inside the United States.

The case of the recently killed migrants provides a perfect example of how refined this network of groups is and how sophisticated their operations are.
The truck in which the migrants were found crossed the Mexican border at Laredo, Texas. It then proceeded north to the vicinity of San Antonio where it was discovered abandoned. Along the way, it passed unhindered through two Border Patrol checkpoints.
The truck began its journey near Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. It is believed it crossed the border and then picked up the migrants somewhere inside the United States. This is standard procedure. Migrants are routinely brought across the border on foot and then assembled in groups, loaded onto trucks, and transported deep inside the United States.
The transportation of illegals inside the United States is often done by American contractors hired by the cartels moving migrants across the border. These contractors are paid fees of $1000 a head for this job. Illegals are often delivered to locations near commercial railroads. The illegals then stow away in commercial railcars to continue their journey.

While it is unknown when the migrants were loaded into the trailer, authorities do believe that they were inside when the truck passed through the checkpoints north of the border. They were likely not detected, because Border Patrol officers are overloaded with duties connected to processing the crush of illegals entering the country.
"I wouldn’t blame the agents. I think it's just so many people coming through that people are going to get through," a senior Border Patrol official said when asked about the failure to detect the illegals in the truck.
Representative Henry Cueller added, "The Border Patrol in Laredo Sector — 60% of the Border Patrol agents are doing babysitting work, that is, there at the border processing centers. Ten percent of them are doing outreach and administrative work, and only 30% of all the Border Patrol agents are actually doing the checkpoints or the actual border stuff."

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd noted a few months ago that the Border Patrol no longer controls the U.S.-Mexico border, the cartels do. “I was asked last night who is controlling the border? Is it President Biden? Is it Kamala Harris, who is it? And my answer was, it’s the cartels. The cartels control the borders now. It’s not even the Border Patrol. It’s not even the U.S. government.”
That statement was echoed by Representative Chip Roy. “The reach of the cartels, I cannot emphasize the cartels enough, cartels have operational control of the border of the United States. That’s the truth for the most powerful country the world has ever known. Cartels run our border.”
The cartels that control the border and reach deep inside the nation do not exist in isolation. They have close connections to terrorist organizations like Hezbollah and ISIS. They move people into the United States from all over the world. They also move large quantities of products like heroin and fentanyl.

If these powerful, criminal enterprises can move massive numbers of people and huge quantities of drugs into our country every day they most certainly can move anything else they want. They can move teams of trained terrorists. They can move explosives. They can move weapons of mass destruction, including if a terrorist group can buy or manufacture them -nuclear weapons.
A single semi-tractor trailer can haul 20,000 pounds. Thirty-five thousand trucks of that size come across our southern border every single day. Meanwhile, the Border Patrol is playing nursemaid to illegal immigrant minors and focusing on rescuing migrants who have gotten lost in the desert. The reality is we have no idea what is in all those trucks or where they are headed.
Even as we mourn the senseless loss of life that just occurred we must ponder the truly consequential question. What else could have been in that trailer?
Actually, most trucks can scale 45000 lb payloads legally. They somehow had to bypass the dogs, because they would never have missed that. I used to haul produce out of Nogales and Rio Rico, AZ, and got to know a lot of "illegals," One of them paid around $10000 to bring his daughters here during Obama. They were placed in a "sponsor family for 20 days, while the Coyote did the mandatory 20 jail time. When they came for them they were gone. Never say them again. That is why Trump had to secure them, because the cartels were also the sponsor families. Obama knew this full well, according to the border agents and the produce workers. A friend of ours is a police captain in Apache Junction, AZ. More than once she found entire garages full of children, naked, and always some dead from heat and starvation.
And now SCOTUS just let REMAIN fall. We will see a huge rush at the border again.