I am writing this from the Mani Peninsula in Greece. The Mani is a region in southern Greece known for its resistance to tyranny. It is here that the Greek War of Independence began when the Greeks threw off the yoke of Turkish tyranny.
It seems a fitting place to be right now.
America was founded as a nation of free men based on the principle of limited government. We were not to be ruled. We were to govern ourselves. We were to think for ourselves. Our forefathers felt strongly enough about this that they went to war over it with the most powerful nation on Earth.
And won.
That victory and all those after that did not come without a price. At the time of the American War of Independence, there were a handful of adult male members of the Faddis family in the Colonies. Every single one of them fought in that war. Not all of them came home. Their experience was not unique. It was representative.
We have become victims of our own success. We have become fat and lazy. We have allowed the growth of a massive bureaucratic state populated by people who do not consider themselves in any sense public servants. Rather they view themselves as members of a privileged, superior class whose job it is to tell us what to do, when to do it, and how to live our lives.
Our job? To shut up, sit down, and do what we are told.
This vast unelected 4th branch of government is owned and controlled by a relative handful of fabulously wealthy individuals who believe in maintaining the outward appearance of a republic for show, but who are dedicated to the proposition that they will control the outcome of all elections and ensure that nothing challenges their right to rule.
We do not have elections. We have selections. There is a list of approved candidates, none of whom will actually challenge the status quo in Washington. You can campaign. You can feel good about exercising your “rights” as an American. What you cannot do is threaten the self-appointed elite that owns the bureaucracy, owns Congress, and controls the media.
Take the vaccine. Ignore the people dying from its side effects. Keep buying cheap junk from China made by slaves in a sweatshop with the money you make from your three dead-end jobs. Ignore the fact that you can’t afford groceries anymore. Ignore the ruinous federal budget deficits that will ultimately destroy our economy and mean your children inherit a shell of a country.
Don’t even think about questioning the increasingly overt Marxist ideology that is force-fed to you and your children. You were only assigned a sex at birth. Gender is a social construct. Say the words. Fall in line.
“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”
Vladimir Lenin
A nation of free men has become a nation of serfs. We no longer have “rights”. We have privileges, and that means they can be taken away anytime our rulers say so.
Donald Trump threatens all of this. You may like him. You may hate him. You may be somewhere in between. It is nonetheless true.
This is not because, as the “elitists” imagine, he is some sort of supremely powerful demigod. It is because he has dared to say out loud what most Americans have been thinking for a long time. He has sunk a well into a magma chamber of resentment that has been bubbling and growing for decades.
The boys and girls in the corporate board rooms and the bowels of the establishment do not understand that, because they do not and cannot question their right to rule. They imagine that if they destroy Trump, as they are dedicated to doing, the rabble, the “gangsters”, the “deplorables”, the people, will go back to their hovels and behave again. The entire America First movement will vaporize and our corporate overlords will continue to reign supreme.
They are wrong. Their day is done. The alarm has been sounded, and Patriots nationwide are roused to “arms”. We will not be silenced. We will not obey. We will no longer sit and watch while the nation our forefathers built is stolen out from under us.
November is coming. The result at the ballot box will be overwhelming. A tidal wave of reform is coming. It’s our country. We are taking it back.
“Give me liberty or give me death.”
Patrick Henry
I’m with you, Patrick. The line has been drawn. We are all Trump now. The Second American Revolution has begun.
The new declaration. Best article you’ve ever written Sam. Give me
Liberty or give me death. Forward patriots!