It’s Election Day. People are going to the polls. The pundits are doing what they do – discussing mid-term election cycles and voter registration and party affiliation largely as if this were any other election any other year.
It is not.
What has happened over the last two years has been unprecedented in American history. A radical regime, infused with overtly Marxist ideology has imposed – largely by executive fiat – the most extreme measures and policies ever seen. On every front, political, economic, and social the very foundations of the republic have been attacked.
Beginning on Day one, Biden began what can only be described as a jihad on the fossil fuel industry justified by some mad, unproven theory of impending cataclysmic climate change. We have gone from being energy independent and a net exporter of oil and natural gas to a crisis. Diesel fuel, which is the foundation of our entire transportation industry, is about to run out. Gas is more than twice as expensive as it was the day Biden entered office – and again poised to rise more. All across America, fire departments are bracing for a rash of fires this winter when people turn to cheap kerosene heaters to survive the winter cold.

The cost of everything is through the roof. Americans are having to choose between putting gas in their cars or food on the table. The tone-deaf elite says we should turn to eating canned spaghetti.

Afghanistan is a terrorist super state. Our Islamic enemies are growing in strength and preparing for the next wave of attacks on the homeland.
The border is wide open. Fentanyl is flooding in and killing our citizens at a terrifying pace. Narco terrorist kingdoms control our border and reach deep into our soil.
A mad transgender ideology, which denies basic biology and the entire history of human civilization is being imposed on our children. Parents are being denied their rights. Children are being mutilated and chemically castrated without parental consent and at state expense.
Pornography is being peddled to our kids. Sexual perversion is being normalized. Pedophiles have become “minor-attracted persons.”

Crime is out of control. Our major cities are shooting galleries. Sex offenders are released without bail to continue raping and assaulting our citizens.

The First Amendment is under attack. Challenging the regime has become a crime. It is increasingly common to see political opponents of the Biden administration locked up and silenced.

Big Tech and the government work in concert as one all-powerful machine. The truth is buried. Lies are widespread. The nation searches in vain for reality and something to rely on.
Big Pharma and its lackeys have decided we no longer have the most basic right of all, the right to control what happens to our own bodies. In pursuit of massive profits through their minions at the CDC, the executives at Pfizer, Moderna and the like decree that you and your children will continue to take experimental medications in perpetuity.
We are in a war. It is a war between the American people, the ones who pay the bills, do the work, and defend the nation, and a self-appointed “elite”, which believes it has the right to rule. Our job is to sit down, shut up and do what we are told.
It is time to fight back, not with weapons, but with the power of the vote and political organization. For far too long we have stood by, grumbled, and wished it were different but done nothing effective to change the status quo. It is time for that to end.
Today is Election Day. Today we begin the process of taking our country back.
Go to the polls.
Vote. Vote angry.
Voted in person today (NE Florida). Per Professor Clement's suggestion, used a blue ball point pen. Waited until mid-afternoon to vote so as to make it more difficult for the Democrat-CCP operatives.
My county uses ESS, so don't (can't) know if my vote will be nullified by algorithms or fake paper, or both.