What we have seen over the last few years, is the monster showing its face. A global elite that believes it has some divine right to rule has moved aggressively to replace democratic governance in Western nations with rule by a self-appointed elite. In nation after nation, we have seen that legislatures have become irrelevant. Laws are made not by the people’s representatives but by unelected bureaucrats and despots who claim the power to impose their edicts on the masses.
It is perhaps fitting that the French people are now leading the charge against this tyranny. Once upon a time, they stormed the Bastille. Not long thereafter they sent a king to the guillotine and created a republic that shook the foundations of the European monarchies.
French President Emmanuel Macron wants to raise the retirement age in France. He has been unsuccessful in getting the Parliament to support this move, which is widely opposed by the French population. So, Macron has decided to do what any good despot would do. He has advised that he is making the change anyway and ignoring the legislature.
Claiming to have authority granted by some obscure provision of the French constitution Macron has directed his prime minister to simply proceed with raising the retirement age. The nation has exploded.
In Parliament, opposition members shouted down Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne when she tried to address them. They then stood and sang the national anthem drowning out her words.

In the streets, it was worse. Thousands gathered outside the National Assembly and lit fires in the square. Demonstrators engaged in street confrontations with the police. More fires were lit.
The same kinds of scenes were replayed in cities all over the country. Storefronts were smashed and banks were attacked. A vote of no confidence in Macron is being proposed in the Parliament.
That was only the beginning of the response. It is building and intensifying.
Refineries have gone on strike all around the country. Labor unions are calling for a general nationwide strike. Train stations have been shut down by demonstrators and train tracks blocked. The ring road around Paris, its beltway, has been blocked. Strikes have been called at power distribution facilities. Key French ports have been closed by protesters.

France is shutting down. French authorities say they have arrested hundreds of individuals. There is no sign that it is having any dampening effect. The government is now planning for the possibility of violent actions against parliamentarians.

This ultimate confrontation between the people and the government in France has been building for years. It has now come to a head. The people have had enough. They will not abide a President who simply decides the democratic process is cumbersome and inconvenient. They will not tolerate a President who decides to make himself a king.
The people are doing what they always ultimately must do. They are taking back control of their government and defying tyranny.
Vive la France. Vive la Liberte.
The people also know they could use this to control the people directly for any reason. Like lockdown.
Thank you for the report, I didn't realize the uprising had become so severe. I foresee similar action in the United States if President Trump is arrested. I hope for a peaceful protest, but like France, mess with the peoples money, arrest the truly elected President, then stand by for chaos. You think the skirmishes by BLM/Antifa were bad, wait for the justly righteous to rise up to let their voice be heard. And if they don't then we are done as a nation.