Protests are continuing in a wide range of Chinese cities. People are demanding not only an end to lockdowns and extreme anti-COVID measures but the end of the Chinese Communist Party. The CCP predictably enough appears poised to bring the hammer down and use raw military force to crush the nascent democracy movement.

China’s domestic security chief Chen Wenging has issued a statement calling on law enforcement officers to “resolutely strike hard against infiltration and sabotage activities by hostile forces, as well as illegal and criminal acts that disrupt social order,” the state-run news agency Xinhua has reported.
Tanks and other military vehicles are rolling into major cities. Police are out in large numbers. Students have been sent home from major cities to prevent them from continuing to organize and demonstrate. People taking pictures of the demonstrations are stopped and the images are deleted from their devices.

Online the CCP has resorted to bizarre methods to drown out coverage of the disturbances. This includes flooding the internet with pornography. The entire nationwide rebellion is being memory-holed. Even as untold millions are rising up, the CCP is working overtime to silence them.

Meanwhile Joe Biden and his mandarins continue to maintain silence on the disturbances. Instead, Joe is busy giving special concessions to the Communist regime in Venezuela to stimulate oil production there and asking Congress to help him crush the rail strike planned by American railroad workers.

Apparently, Joe’s party now stands with authoritarian regimes and big corporations against the common people everywhere.
Isn’t Pedo Pete’s son Heroin Hunter a good buddy of the head of China’s security apparatus? Pedo is probably taking notes rn on how to deal with unhappy Americans.