The continuing releases of information from inside Twitter confirm what we have suspected for a long time. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) maintained a close working relationship with Twitter focused on controlling the flow of information to the American people and interfering with the exercise of free speech. In fact, the FBI paid Twitter somewhere around $3.5 million to censor free speech on the platform. In perhaps the most concrete and egregious example of this, the FBI acted to prevent the public from understanding the significance of the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop in a deliberate effort to affect the outcome of a Presidential election.
The FBI acted in the same manner as the Praetorian Guard did in the Roman Empire. It played kingmaker. It decided who would sit on the throne.
And, yet, horribly enough, it is worse than that.
The contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop are almost indescribably nasty. They show a man with deep personal and substance abuse problems. It would be hard to catalog all of the crimes and potential crimes exposed on this one device.
And, yet, ultimately, this scandal is not about porn, hookers, cocaine, or garden variety corruption. It is about espionage. It is about national security. It is about the very real possibility that Joe Biden, the man now sitting in the Oval Office, was bought and paid for by Chinese intelligence years ago.
The FBI has worked overtime since it first got access to Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2019 to give the impression that the laptop was not genuine. This is not true. It was never true. It was never a valid theory or a serious suggestion.
I saw the contents of the laptop for the first time shortly after the story began to break. It was clear to me as a former CIA operations officer that the laptop was not the product of disinformation or part of some op. It was, in fact, my judgment then and remains my judgment today that it would be effectively impossible for any intelligence service to manufacture such a forgery and not have it be recognized as such almost immediately.
The FBI knew this just as well. The laptop had been in their possession for a considerable period of time before I ever saw the copy of the hard drive I inspected.
The FBI knew the laptop was real. They knew exactly what it meant. It meant that the son of the man running to be President was in direct contact with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It meant Hunter was up to his eyeballs in connections to known Chinese intelligence officers. It showed Hunter had taken vast sums of money from the CCP and that all of his contacts were predicated on him providing access to his father – then a candidate for the highest office in the land.
In short, the FBI knew, three years ago now, that we were looking at a national security threat of unprecedented scale. Not since the Russians stole the secrets of the atomic bomb from the Manhattan Project had we faced a threat so grave. If the worst were true, we were looking at a real live Manchurian candidate.
As Peter Schweizer, author of the book “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win” explains, “In the case of the Bidens, these commercial ties really began when Joe Biden was vice president of the United States. [His son] Hunter Biden went to Beijing looking for financial deals and what we found is that the Bidens have received some $31 million from four Chinese businessmen…The story takes an even more dramatic turn when you realize that those four Chinese businessmen all have links to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence.”
And, the FBI not only did not blow the whistle on that story, but it actively intervened to prevent the American people from knowing about the danger we were in. Then, the FBI completely buried the laptop and its contents. To this day there is no indication that the FBI, our nation’s number one counterintelligence service, is making any effort to investigate the contents of the laptop.
Understand the context in which this happened. The FBI’s own website has this to say about the threat posed by Chinese intelligence to the national security of the United States.
“The counterintelligence and economic espionage efforts emanating from the government of China and the Chinese Communist Party are a grave threat to the economic well-being and democratic values of the United States.
Confronting this threat is the FBI’s top counterintelligence priority….
The Chinese government is employing tactics that seek to influence lawmakers and public opinion to achieve policies that are more favorable to China…
China’s efforts target businesses, academic institutions, researchers, lawmakers, and the general public and will require a whole-of-society response. The government and the private sector must commit to working together to better understand and counter the threat.”
“The greatest long-term threat to our nation’s information and intellectual property, and to our economic vitality, is the counterintelligence and economic espionage threat from China.”
The Federal Bureau of Investigation uncovered evidence suggesting strongly that the man running as the Democratic Party’s candidate for President was compromised by hostile foreign intelligence operatives. The FBI then acted to cover up this information, conceal it from the American people and do its level best to ensure that Joe Biden, a possible Chinese agent, won the election.
Fifty years ago we convened the Church Committee in the Senate to investigate allegations the CIA was acting outside the scope of its authority. Every allegation that committee reviewed pales in comparison to the magnitude of what we now face.
We need a new Church committee. We need an investigation. And, then we need to send people to jail.
Wouldn't the FBI's involvement with Twitter be election interference at the very least?
Everyone knows that before China Joe resigns he will pardon everyone involved. Question can we prosecute Hunter & the crime family on state charges of money laundering, tax evasion, & wire fraud?