In Alice in Wonderland, a young girl named Alice enters a strange world in which nothing makes sense and the laws of physics do not apply. Sometime around 2020, we all went through the looking glass into Joe Biden’s alternate reality. Just take a look at the most recent developments regarding Venezuela and Cuba.
Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro over the weekend announced that he had an agenda of “liberation” and that it included invading Puerto Rico using Brazilian troops. Speaking at the “International Anti-Fascist Festival” in Caracas, Maduro said that the “freedom of Puerto Rico is pending, and we will achieve it with Brazilian troops.” Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States and has been since 1898.
Responding to the threat, the governor of Puerto Rico, Jenniffer González-Colon sent a letter to Donald Trump asking for his help and requesting that Trump “swiftly respond and make clear to the Maduro narco-regime that the U.S. will protect American lives and sovereignty and won’t bow down to petty, murderous thugs.”
"This is an open threat to the United States, our national security, and stability in the region," González-Colón told Trump. "I trust your incoming administration will swiftly respond and make clear to the Maduro regime that, under your leadership, the United States, will protect American lives and sovereignty and will not bow down to the threats of petty, murderous dictators."
Maduro’s mad regime in Venezuela is kept in power by Havana and supported in its efforts to destabilize the Western Hemisphere by the Cuban military. Yet, following immediately on the heels of Maduro’s threat to invade American territory, Joe Biden removed Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism and also removed sanctions on the Cuban military. Trump designated Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism in 2021, shortly before he left office, for “repeatedly providing support for acts of international terrorism in granting safe harbor to terrorists”.
So, Venezuela, a Cuban client state, threatens to invade American territory and the “President” of the United States responds by lifting sanctions on Cuba and making sure they can get the material they need to increase their military capability?
Beginning at least fifteen years ago the Cubans began to imbed their military and their intelligence services into the Maduro regime. By this point, the Venezuelan and Cuban security services are almost indistinguishable.
In 2008 agreements signed by Havana and Caracas “gave Cuba vast access to the Venezuelan military and wide freedom to spy on and reform it,” revealed a Reuters investigation published in August 2019. The agreements led to “the imposition of strict surveillance of Venezuelan troops through an intelligence service now known as the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence, or DGCIM.” The alliance allowed the Cuban Armed Forces to:
Train soldiers in Venezuela.
Review and restructure parts of the Venezuelan army.
Train Venezuelan intelligence agents in Havana.
Shift the intelligence service’s mission from spying on foreign rivals to monitoring its own soldiers, officers, and even high-ranking commanders.
With the help of Cuban military personnel, Venezuela “restructured the intelligence unit into a service that spies on its own armed forces, instilling fear and paranoia and crushing dissent,” reported Reuters. Retired Venezuelan Army General Antonio Rivero, a senior ex-officer exiled in Miami since 2014, also confirmed to Dialogo Americas that Cuba and Venezuela signed several secret military agreements in 2008, “handing over control of the Venezuelan Armed Forces to Cuba.”
“In 2008, the presence of Cuban military personnel [in Venezuela] was consolidated through 15 secret agreements between Cuba and Venezuela to transform the Venezuelan Armed Forces and turn them into the same structure that functions in Cuba,” declared General Rivero, who also served as head of civil protection and emergency management under the Chavez government.
“Chavez invested billions of dollars in Russian weapons, with Cuban mediation, and thus Venezuelan military personnel began to give up space to ‘Cubanize’ the Armed Forces,” added the ex-military officer.
Simultaneously, as the Cubans were taking direct control of the Venezuelan military, they were doing the same to the Venezuelan intelligence service, which has now become effectively a branch of Cuban intelligence. Significant numbers of Cubans work in Venezuelan intelligence.
Rocío San Miguel, director of the NGO Control Ciudadano, noted in 2019 that “Cuba today directs the country’s destiny.” “The situation room where the most important strategic decisions are made—political, military, but also economic and social—is in Havana,” San Miguel said, as quoted by Infobae. In short, when Maduro says he is going to war with the United States and “liberating” Puerto Rico, the message is really coming from Havana.
The Cubans have invested a lot of time and money in Venezuela, and they have no intention of allowing a democratic overthrow of Maduro. They work overtime to make sure that the Venezuelans ruthlessly crush any dissent and keep a Communist totalitarian government in power.
According to a report by the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FHRC) titled “Cubazuela,” the Cubans were intent on “methodically, brazenly, and shamelessly violating the sacred human right to life, seeking to create an unprecedented climate of terror in Venezuela.” This included shooting unarmed protesters in the face leaving them disfigured and dying in agony over a period of days. The 2023-2024 annual report by the CASLA Institute on crimes against humanity in Venezuela stated that Cuban intelligence officers ran the Venezuelan intelligence services and “have built a state torture apparatus.” That apparatus routinely used “medieval torture methods,” including metal shackles, drownings, beatings, and hangings.
The Venezuelans with the obvious backing and approval of the puppetmasters in Cuba just threatened to invade American territory. Biden responded by ignoring the threat and then taking steps to make sure that the Cubans and their Venezuelan lackeys can get all the material support they need to make good on the threat. We are well and truly through the looking glass and inauguration day cannot come too soon.
How is our country going to defeat the CCP and Russia when we have communists in our own government at the highest levels? Joe Biden’s administration made this loggerheaded, infernal pact with Cuba because they are ideological adherents to the Maduro and Castro regimes.
And if you had any doubts on how far-left the Democrats have strayed, here is your answer.
And with BRAZIL? Where’s THAT coming from? I suspect mere wishful thinking.
Well, once we have restored our Navy and Air Force to some greatly-improved level of reliability and functionality (if that is possible in the next 3 or so years) so they can buffer unfortunate Puerto Rico, I kinda hope Cuba-Venezuela do try during a Trump Presidency. It would be nice to have an incontrovertible reason to militarily convert them back to some sort of a human-rights-respecting state.