Ever since the Peoples’ Convoy started moving across America to D.C. the media has been telling lies about it. First, the claim was the entire thing had fizzled and gone away. When the sight of thousands and thousands of vehicles heading for the nation’s capital made that lie untenable the story became this.

The convoy is pointless. It’s all over. The mandates are gone. Nothing to see here move on.
Not so fast. This was not about simply dropping mandates. This was about a restoration of democracy and personal freedom, and that fight is very much still in progress.
For two years unelected bureaucrats and chief executives who suddenly believed themselves divine rulers presumed to crush individual freedom and subject a free people to unprecedented levels of government control. Suddenly, law-abiding, hard-working Americans found that they needed the government’s permission to go to church, to send their kids to school, in some cases to walk on the beach or swim in the ocean.
Residents of major cities discovered they could not enter a restaurant without “showing their papers.” Brave men and women who had served their nation in battle were told their services were no longer required because they would not agree to allow someone to inject them with an experimental vaccine. Children were told to hide their faces away from their friends. The elderly were left to die alone in nursing homes deprived of the comfort of the presence of their loved ones.
All of this was done on the basis of a series of lies and misrepresentations. We were lied to about the origins of the virus. We were lied to about the effectiveness of masks. We were lied to about the effectiveness of therapeutic drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. We were lied to about the utility of the vaccines and the side effects that went with them.
Now, suddenly in the face of overwhelming popular anger and the growing scientific evidence that our response to the pandemic was horribly misguided and damaging, all across the nation the measures imposed two years ago are being dismantled. Masks are no longer required. Vaccines are not mandatory anymore. Children that only days ago lived in fear that being maskless meant certain death now breath free.
The whole rotten edifice of mendacity and greed and lust for power is dissolving.

And, yet no one is being held accountable. No one is admitting they lied. No one is being forced to resign or to face criminal charges or even answer hard questions.
Most of all no one is promising it won’t happen again.
In China, the people live under the control of a social credit system. Everything you do is by permission of the government. Anything you do that is contrary to the desires of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is recorded, and you are constantly evaluated on your level of compliance.
Your behavior has consequences. If you speak up too much you may lose your ability to travel. You may be fined. You may be imprisoned. You may be silenced.

Chinese citizens do not have the right to do anything. They have privileges. Privileges can be curtailed. Privileges can be revoked.
If you are “bad” in China, you won’t be able to eat in a restaurant or buy a train ticket or get a job. The state sees everything and controls everything.
We have never had any such notion here in the United States. We don’t have privileges. We have rights. They are God given.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
The Declaration of Independence
For the last two years, men and women in positions of power in this country have attempted to use the excuse of a pandemic to destroy the principles at the heart of this great nation. They have leveraged the manufactured fear of a disease which is the equivalent of a bad flu season to take away our rights and replace them with privileges that can be controlled, curtailed, and revoked at the discretion of the “ruling class.”
America sees this all too clearly now. Even those who believed for far too long that they needed to comply and submit are now seeing the reality of what has happened. They are angry. They are disgusted.
Americans want an end to all COVID-related mandates. That is, however, only the beginning of what they want. They want change. They want a reckoning. They want to know that this attack on their freedoms is over and that it will never happen again.

That’s why those trucks are on the D.C. Beltway right now. That’s why there are tens of thousands of ordinary Americans out there honking their horns. That is why every overpass across an entire nation has been crowded with people waving flags and holding banners and cheering the truckers on.

The “elite” may wish this was over – it “ain’t.” This ends when the people say it ends.
The lash of your words, Mr. Faddis, carries one more sting that a swarm of congesting trucks can force a recognition of... while the administrative state piled these restrictions on us, the foundation crime of stealing an election took away the emergency brake our country uses to stop the train going the wrong way... by forcing out the villains who count on the smarminess of business and government strangling the country. Stealing our choice means the train can derail us all before another election can put it right. I hope the trucks stay long past demands being met so that those who burdened us this way, who schemed a hundred years for this control of us will never try this crap again.
Thanks for putting your voice on the Beltway!