“This MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in American history…”
Joe Biden talking about the possible impending Supreme Court decision which may overrule Roe v Wade.
Once upon a time, the Democratic Party seemed to believe in the Democratic process. It focused on organizing and turning out the vote. No more. That party is dead.
It has been replaced by something that looks a lot like Marxist revolutionary movements throughout history. It has no use for the popular vote. It believes in the power of the state and when necessary, the use of mob violence to intimidate its foes. It is getting ready to unleash its thugs into the streets again in response to the anticipated reversal of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court.
While Joe conjures up the specter of a right-wing, white supremacist, trans and gay-hating wave of domestic extremism, the radical domestic movement of which he is a part is already mobilizing and taking to the streets. If the Supreme Court exercises its authority, overturns Roe v. Wade, and returns the question of abortion to the legislatures where it properly belongs our cities will burn.
The violence in some places has already begun. In Los Angeles, abortion advocates are attacking police officers. Antifa has taken to the streets in Portland and created yet another “autonomous zone.” In Seattle, Antifa has returned to the infamous Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) and attacked journalists trying to cover their activities. Windows have been smashed. Stores have been robbed. All of this is just a warmup for the main event.
A massive metal fence has been erected around the Supreme Court. One of our most revered institutions is now a fortress. Groups of protesters have already appeared outside the building chanting “sexist fascists have to go.”
Abortion activists are openly calling for violence and talking about “burning it all down.” The threats include promises to make the George Floyd protests look like nothing. In one video posted online, a female abortion activist acts out going to the Supreme Court and stabbing the Justices to death.
Online from coast to coast the same leftist organizations that terrorized our cities in the run-up to the 2020 election are gearing up for battle. The anarchist site Crimethinc’s commentary is representative.
“This catastrophe compels us to confront the law itself as something hostile to us. If you are a person who might ever need an abortion—or if you care about a person who might—or if you believe that people deserve bodily self-determination, the state is your enemy…As anarchists, we reject the idea that judges or politicians deserve the authority to determine the course of our lives. Rather than only trying to pressure leaders to vote one way or the other in a winner-take-all system that reduces us to spectators in the decisions that affect us, we propose solutions based in direct action: taking power back into our hands by enacting our needs and solving our problems ourselves, without representatives.”
Posters for use in the coming protests are appearing online as are instructional materials on how to resist interrogation and the different types of police units and tactics that will be employed to counter violent actions.
Law enforcement authorities across the country are preparing for the possibility of violence and civil unrest in reaction to the impending Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade. A February bulletin from the Colorado Information Analysis Center warned that a reversal of Roe v Wade could lead to riots, civil unrest, and violence.
“Law enforcement and public safety officials should anticipate an increase in abortion-related events, rallies, and protests with the potential for violence and criminal activity,” the bulletin said, “particularly leading up to and directly following the Supreme Court’s decision in the Mississippi case … expected by June 2022.”
The bulletin also noted that abortion-related protests or counterprotests could attract other types of violent extremists “with motives unrelated to abortion, including groups or individuals interested in attacking large crowds.”
The Supreme Court police and U.S. Marshals are responsible for the security of the Supreme Court. They are not commenting on what measures they are taking to prepare for what could well be a direct assault on the Supreme Court itself. The Capitol Police have announced they are prepared to assist, however, and the Washington, D.C., Police Department said Tuesday it would be providing Civil Disturbance Units in response to potential "First Amendment activity" after the report.
In 2020 Democratic politicians and officials legitimized the use of violence as a political weapon. Police precincts were sacked, courthouses were attacked, police officers were murdered, and virtually all of the participants in these actions walked free. Kamala Harris herself helped raise money to bail out extremists burning our cities to the ground.
The networks that terrorized the nation remain intact. The foot soldiers of a powerful Marxist movement are primed and ready. They are about to be unleashed again.
These people don’t just want to kill babies. They want to kill the republic.
The foot soldiers of "top down, bottom up" (Communist) revolution: https://www.trevorloudon.com/2021/07/antifa-blm-the-fbi-collaborators-in-a-communist-revolution-against-the-united-states/