Steve Bannon, former campaign manager for Donald Trump, is on trial in Washington, D.C. He is charged with contempt of Congress. The prosecution contends that he failed to comply with a legal subpoena to appear to testify about the events of January 6, 2021, and therefore is in contempt of Congress. They want to send Bannon to jail.
The case is enveloped in a fog of controversy and political vitriol. Let’s see if we can cut through that.
The heart of the case is the continuing obsession of the Democratic Party with the events of January 6th. Joe Biden is destroying the nation. His poll numbers are below abysmal. The nation has rejected the Marxist agenda that the modern-day Democratic Party represents. It is therefore crucial to Democratic hopes of surviving the upcoming midterm elections that they demonize their opponents and characterize them as violent extremists.
This is a canard. It is a lie. It is a deliberate ploy.
There was no insurrection on January 6, 2021. No one tried to overthrow the government. There was no attempted coup.
Perhaps half a million people gathered peacefully on the Mall to protest the results of the election. They had every right to do so. They had every reason to do so. We had just conducted an election using mail-in ballots, drop boxes, and any number of other unproven methodologies. We were being asked to believe that Joe Biden, an empty suit even in his prime, had just received more votes than Barack Obama. The stench of electoral theft was everywhere.
Some relative handful of individuals, who did not in any way represent the vast peaceful crowd assembled, engaged in unacceptable behavior on the Capitol grounds. No one was killed other than one unarmed protestor. No explosive devices were used. No weapons were used. Virtually all of those prosecuted have been convicted of “parading” in the Capitol. That means legally that they were walking around inside the building without permission.

The republic was not in danger. None of the events that occurred were on anything like the scale of the seemingly endless BLM and Antifa riots that had engulfed the nation for months.
In short, the January 6th committee hearings are not a quest for justice. They are not an attempt to get to the truth. They are political theater calculated to keep false accusations against Trump and his associates alive and help the Democratic Party survive the upcoming election.
At the time of the January 6th events, Mr. Bannon held no official post in the Trump administration. He was a talk show host and a political commentator. No one has ever presented any evidence that he was connected in any way to the people who broke glass at the Capitol or wandered its hallways. No one has ever produced any evidence to show that he encouraged or directed this behavior. He has literally no connection to the activities of any of the individuals who actually broke the law. The committee is focused on him for one reason only. He is a high-profile figure connected to Donald Trump in the public eye. Attacking Steve Bannon serves a political purpose, not a legal one.
In the course of American history virtually no one has ever been prosecuted for contempt of Congress for failing to appear in response to a subpoena. That last time it happened was 1983. As Bannon has said quite clearly, the normal process in response to such a subpoena is for Congress to negotiate with counsel for the individual being asked to testify and to sort out when or if that individual will appear. Congress has not historically responded to a failure to appear by seeking prosecution. Prosecutors have not historically pressed charges against individuals who do not appear.
So – We have a committee pursuing an investigation into an insurrection that never happened that wants to compel a man with no connection to anything that happened at the Capitol on January 6th to appear for purely political purposes and now a prosecutor who is attempting to use his power and the force of the criminal justice system to imprison a man who has committed no crime.
This is not justice. This is pure, power politics, not in the way we have practiced it here in this democratic society, but in the way it is practiced in the thuggish, authoritarian regimes of the planet. This is Washington, D.C. transformed into Moscow or Pyongyang or Havana. This is obscene.
Steve Bannon is on trial. The proceeding has nothing to do with insurrection. It has everything to do with destroying political opposition to an increasingly despotic regime.
This has nothing to do with justice. It has everything to do with intimidation.
This appears to be boomeranging like most of the tactics used by the globalist puppets. I would not want to be facing Steve Bannon as an opponent in any ring. He is a bull dog that will not go quietly into the night.