The RevComs Flex Their Muscles - Shutting The Country Down
Walk-out to protest Roe v. Wade scheduled for 26 May
The Revolutionary Communist Party (RevCom’s) USA is an explicitly Marxist organization. It works toward the destruction of the republic and its replacement by a totalitarian Communist regime. You do not have to infer this or guess this. All you have to do is listen to what they say and read what they write.
The RevComs – as they style themselves – have seized on the possibility that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade and the likely resulting turmoil as an opportunity. All Marxists revel in crises. They provide the opportunity to make the change. They provide the opportunity for revolution.
To this end, the RevComs are organizing “direct actions” nationwide. This includes an action scheduled for Thursday, May 26, 2022, which is billed as “Shut the Country Down.”
“At noon: Leave work! Leave school! Converge in the streets! No business-as-usual!”
The RevComs are organizing these direct actions via a front organization called Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights. What is remarkable, though, is how increasingly the RevComs are stepping out in the open and acknowledging what they are doing. The video above of Sunsara Taylor, a leader of the RevComs, includes the address for the RevComs YouTube channel for example.
Bob Avakian, the supreme leader of the Revcoms, has been crystal clear about the group’s intentions. His statements on the need for revolution have been rebroadcast repeatedly in recent days to make sure the faithful understand precisely what is expected of them and what is intended.
“Elections: are controlled by the bourgeoisie; are not the means through which basic decisions are made in any case; and are really for the primary purpose of legitimizing the system and the policies and actions of the ruling class, giving them the mantle of a “popular mandate,” and of channeling, confining, and controlling the political activity of the masses of people.”
Bob Avakian,

“Fundamentally, to bring about a more just society and world, what is needed, and all the more urgently now, is a revolution to overthrow this whole system, which both Democrats and Republicans represent and work to enforce, even as they have sharp differences between them over how to do this.
In “Something Terrible,“ Or Something Truly Emancipating,” I have analyzed in depth why this is a rare time when revolution becomes more possible, even in this powerful country. It is crucially important to understand why this is so—which has to do with the already very deep, and continually deepening, divisions, not only in the country overall but particularly within the ruling class, and why that ruling class cannot continue to rule in the “normal way” it has for generations—and how to move to build up the revolutionary forces with the strategy and organization capable of seizing on this rare opportunity, not in order to achieve a “peaceful transfer of power” from one section of the capitalist-imperialist ruling class to another, but to bring about a seizure of power by a revolutionary people, numbering in the millions and millions and determined to bring about a truly emancipating change—bringing down this monstrous system and building up a radically different and far better system.”
Bob Avakian,
“Time, and with it the current momentum of things toward a disastrous outcome, is moving on. The time that still does exist must not be squandered in what would, especially now, be meaningless maneuvering within the framework of this system and its elections. This time must be seized, with the necessary urgency, to build toward the only resolution that can avoid that disaster, and wrench something truly positive out of all this: an actual revolution.”
Bob Avakian,
What is underway in the streets of America is an attempted Marxist revolution. Increasingly, it is not even bothering to disguise itself. The leaders of this revolt have clearly decided that the presence of Joe Biden in the White House provides them with a historic opportunity. They may talk in terms of abortion rights, LGBTQ rights, or a multitude of other causes. All of these are of only marginal importance to them.
These individuals, led by an expressly Maoist revolutionary party, intend to destroy the republic, capitalism, and the existing social order. Their goal is to replace it with something straight out of the fantasies of Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They have worked toward this goal for decades. Now they are flexing their muscles.
Next step – May 26th – shutting the country down.
Once again Sam I am so grateful for your insight and bringing this to our attention. We are indeed at a critical point in history. Will the US survive? I stand firm in the principles of the Founding Fathers.
As The Republic died Americans asked her “who shall rule us”?
And she whispered “The Strongest.”