“The old party is dead. Time to bury it. Build something new.”
Senator Josh Hawley talking about the GOP and the 2022 election results.
The recently completed midterm elections were, for the Republican Party and the nation, a disaster. Biden is a mentally incompetent, morally bankrupt President. The nation is in recession. The southern border has ceased to exist. We are teetering on the edge of nuclear war. Our cities are shooting galleries. Our streets are awash with drugs.
This election should have been a bloodbath for Democrats. They should have lost both chambers of Congress by decisive margins. Joe Biden should be hanging on by his fingernails facing two years of hearings on Hunter’s laptop. DHS Secretary Mayorkas should be desperately hoping to avoid impeachment.
Instead, it looks increasingly like Republicans will be lucky to win the House at all and that the Senate will be in the Democrat's hands. At the state level in many places, the news is worse. In Pennsylvania, it is all but certain, for example, that the Republicans will lose their majority in the House and retain only a slim majority in the Senate. The GOP is not just failing to gain ground. It is losing ground in many places.
How is this possible? Hawley has put his finger on the problem precisely. The GOP establishment has nothing to offer. It provides no alternative to the Democratic agenda.
The Democratic Party is the party of the oligarchy that controls America. It is owned lock stock and barrel by incredibly rich, powerful individuals and corporations with a radical agenda to transform America. It is also highly organized and remarkably effective at winning elections.
The Party controls most of the mass media outlets in this country. It controls the key social media outlets and its minions also run all of the primary search engines that decide what people will see and won’t see online. It uses all of these ‘weapons’ to indoctrinate and feed its voters only that propaganda it wants them to see.
The Democrat Party targets its messaging precisely. It knows exactly what it is saying, how it is saying it and to whom it is speaking. It is not hoping people will respond to a particular appeal. It is telling them exactly what it needs to in order to ensure that those targeted will vote Democratic.
Finally, it has coupled all of its money and propaganda to an industrial-scale machine that guarantees that those who have been indoctrinated will vote. Before we even get to overt fraud, which undoubtedly does occur, the Democrats have created a nationwide ballot harvesting operation that delivers the vote of every follower to the polls and guarantees it is counted.
The Party does not hope its people will vote. It knows they will. In fact, thanks to the wonders of drop boxes and mail-in voting, increasingly it does not care if the voters actually go to the polls. The Party gathers the votes and ships them in by the millions.
In the face of this massive, well-orchestrated, and incredibly efficient operation to turn America into a one-party state, the GOP establishment has organized no response. Its tactics are hopelessly antiquated and perhaps, most of all, it has no message. The best it can do is to make fun of Joe Biden’s verbal blunders or invent derogatory nicknames for its opponents. The majority of the American people are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, but that does not mean they see in the Republican Party an alternative that they find meaningful or persuasive.
The energy of the Republican Party lies in its increasingly populist base. These are the people who have rallied around Donald Trump in the past, but that does not mean they are somehow under his command or that their loyalty is to an individual. Rather it means they believe in smaller government, the power of the people, an end to “endless wars” and a belief in personal freedom. They reject the “woke” agenda. They refuse to submit to the power of unelected bureaucrats. They want power restored to the state and local levels. They want to decide what is best for themselves and their children.
To these people the Mitch McConnells of the world offer nothing. To these people in point of fact, there is very little difference between the GOP establishment and the Democrats. They are all part of what has been called the UniParty. They are all part of the problem.
The GOP establishment responds to all this with disdain and condescension. It trots out candidates like Mehmet Oz, passes them off as “conservatives” and demands the faithful support them. The base of the party no longer responds to such directives. People stay home. People vote for someone else. They oppose the Democratic agenda. They do not see that what the GOP is selling is anything much better.
The good news is that the template for how to fix all this has already been created. Governor Ron DeSantis just won reelection by a landslide in Florida. In doing so he built a coalition composed in large measure of Latino voters who had for decades been reliable parts of the Democratic machine in his state.
That did not happen overnight. DeSantis’s people worked tirelessly for years in advance of this election to reach out to voters and register them as Republicans. They did not hope people would show up on election day. They went out on the street, took a page from the Democrats’ playbook, and made sure people would vote Republican on election day.
Most critically, however, DeSantis offered voters a very clear alternative to Democrat policies. The Governor may not engage in the kind of verbal “grenade throwing” as Donald Trump. That does not mean he is afraid to speak plainly. He gave Floridians a clear alternative to the progressive policies of the left.
And, DeSantis delivered. He did not just spew rhetoric. He kept schools open. He fought the transformation of the electoral system into a mail-in voting ‘free for all’. He resisted COVID mandates. He fought crime. The state boomed. People flocked from all over the nation to start new lives in a state that worked.
The old GOP is on its last legs. There is no going back. Time to listen to the people and move ahead. Hawley is right. It is time for a new GOP.
Understand about OZ, but what about massive voter fraud in PA? What's being done?
Respectfully disagree, in part - albeit, significant part.
Mitch McConnell et als. of the UniParty have to go, and bear much responsibility - including because they SUPPORT the existence of the Democrat fraud infrastructure - ground game (dirty voter rolls and ballot harvesting) and the MACHINES.
How do I know this? Because since 2020 (much less before) they've not only not address the fraud infrastructure, they've gone out of their way to pretend it doesn't exist. (My suspicion on that is that there's a tacit agreement within the UniParty about who wins selected races, and the fraud infrastructure is then used to make it happen. This might well explain the difficulty Tea Party / MAGA candidates have ousting incumbent R's in primaries.)
Hawley (etc.) blaming McConnell and/or Trump for the inexplicable Republican underperformance (inexplicable given that the tailwinds were strong for Republicans) is a RUSE to deflect attention from the FRAUD that explains most, if not all of the underperformance.