The Head Of The WHO Is A Maoist Terrorist – Maybe He Shouldn’t Be Given Control Over The Lives of American Citizens
If you are following the news at all you are likely aware that Joe Biden is in the process of ceding an unprecedented amount of sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO). The Biden administration in January proposed amendments to W.H.O.’s International Health Regulations (IHR) that would eliminate all requirements for W.H.O. to consult with member governments before declaring a disease outbreak. Along with a new “global pandemic treaty,” this would cede to the WHO the authority to order public health measures inside the United States without any input from our own national government. Quite literally the Biden administration wants to eliminate any requirement for the WHO to “consult with and attempt to obtain verification from the State Party in whose territory the event is allegedly occurring.”
Control over the declaration of a public health emergency in any member state would be granted to the WHO Director-General – even over the objection of a member state.
All that is horrifying enough. What makes it even worse is that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the head of the WHO. Tedros is a Maoist, as in Mao Zedong. He is also a member of a revolutionary terrorist organization that has perpetrated a seemingly endless number of atrocities. He is perhaps the last person on the planet who should be anywhere near anybody’s health care system.

Tedros is not a medical doctor of any kind. He was the Ethiopian Minister of Health from 2002 to 2012 based on the fact that he was a senior member of an organization called the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). The TPLF was founded as a communist revolutionary party. It then conducted a guerilla campaign against the existing government of Ethiopia.
Tedros was not some minor member of this organization. He sat on its Executive Committee. He was involved in making the key decisions regarding the group and its actions.
The TPLF was listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government in the 1990s and is still considered one by multiple organizations. During its fight to take control of Ethiopia the TPLF engaged in mass rape and practiced genocide against rival ethnic groups. It continues these practices to this day.
The use of mass rape as an intimidation tactic by the TPLF is well documented by numerous international organizations. These accounts by survivors are representative of the brutality of TPLF forces.
“I suspected their intentions, and I sent away my daughters to stay away from the house. [The soldiers] told me to bring them home. I told them they won’t come. Then they started to insult me. They were saying ‘Amhara is donkey’, ‘Amhara is useless’. One of them told the others to stop insulting me. He said, ‘she is our mother; we don’t have to harm her’. They forced him to leave the house and three of them stayed back at my home. Then they raped me in turns.”
“It is not easy to tell you what they did to me. They raped me. Three of them raped me while my children were crying. My elder son is 10 and the other is nine years, they were crying when [the TPLF fighters] raped me. [The fighters] did whatever they wanted and left. They also assaulted me physically and took shiro and berbere [local food items]. They slapped me [and] kicked me. They were cocking their guns as if they are going to shoot me.”
“I have children, 10- and two-year-old girls. I was scared they might kill my daughter. I said, ‘don’t kill my children, do whatever you want to me.’ The youngest was asleep, but the older [one] was awake and saw what happened. I don’t have the strength to tell you what she saw.”

As Health Minister of Ethiopia Tedros covered up a cholera epidemic because he felt it would make the government of Ethiopia look bad. Tedros simply declared the disease Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) instead and denied there was a problem. He then prevented the world from knowing the true number of fatalities in order to cover for his actions.
As Health Minister Tedros also pushed for the use of dangerous injectable contraceptives in the Amhara population of Ethiopia. The Amhara are regarded as blood enemies by the TPLF, and the mass use of these dangerous contraceptives appears to have been part of a deliberate effort to eliminate the Amhara entirely as an ethnic group. One of the noted dangerous side effects of the contraceptive used is that it renders women who use it completely infertile. During the time period in question 2.5 million Amhara simply disappeared.
In 2012 Tedros became Foreign Minister. In that post, he cracked down on journalists and political opponents of the regime. He even tracked down dissidents who had fled abroad and had them brought back to Ethiopia and imprisoned. When protests broke out against the government inside Ethiopia security forces opened fire on unarmed protesters to crush dissent.
One of the first things Tedros did when he took over the WHO was to appoint Robert Mugabe as a goodwill ambassador for the WHO. As ruler of Zimbabwe Mugabe killed at least 20,000 of his own people in the 1980s.
Tedros is, of course, a close friend of Communist China as well. During the COVID pandemic, he regularly acted to block any real inquiry into the origins of the outbreak. Every public health measure he has pushed has been in line with the directions of Xi Jinping, the President of Communist China.
This is the man to whom Joe Biden wants to hand control over our public health measures. A man whose entire life has been dedicated to genocide, rape, torture, and political oppression is now seriously proposed to be granted power over the lives of American citizens. Maybe, just maybe that is a terrible, reprehensible idea.
Maybe we don’t want a terrorist running our lives.
The CCP is certainly getting its money's worth from providing the Biden's with their lucre (and whatever the CCP expended in helping to steal the 2020 election).
This grant of unilateral not just power, but sovereignty, to Tedros and the WHO is even more concerning when one recalls that CCP military doctrine advocates "replacement" of Americans with Chinese on the North American continent (read the whole thing, it is chilling):
Obama is his buddy