The Front Lines In The Culture Wars – Your Local Library Is Now Part Of The Communist Marxist Takeover?
“Emily Drabinski has been elected to serve as the American Library Association’s (ALA) president for the 2023-2024 term. Emily Drabinski is a radical, self-avowed Marxist and queer activist. Drabinski’s writings and comments put her far outside of the American mainstream. Her comments also suggest she is using her perch as ALA president to push her radical Marxist and queer theory agenda at community libraries throughout the country in the pursuit of ‘social change.’ “
That’s the first paragraph of a dossier compiled on Ms. Drabinksi by the American Accountability Foundation.
When you think of your local public library you probably envision a quiet, peaceful place where children can find story books and you can check out volumes on American history, art, and science. You may have fond memories of browsing the shelves as a kid, as I did, and discovering entire new worlds. Those days are past. Now your public library is part of an ongoing effort to radically transform American society.
You don’t have to take my word for it. Listen to Ms. Drabinski, who runs the American Library Association describe her vision. Speaking at a Socialism conference in Chicago earlier this month, Drabinksi said “Public education needs to be the site of socialist organizing. Libraries really do too.”
On her website, Drabinski has described her “vision” for the American Library Association. It is, in her words, to build the “collective power” of its members to pursue a wide range of radical leftist objectives.
“The consequences of decades of unchecked climate change, class war, white supremacy, and imperialism have led us here,” Drabinski said. “If we want a world that includes public goods like the library, we must organize our collective power and wield it.”
“The American Library Association offers us a set of tools that can harness our energies and build those capacities,” she added.
“I will direct resources and opportunities to a diverse cross-section of the association and advance a public agenda that puts organizing for justice at the center of library work,” Drabinski said.
Drabinski’s academic works include titles such as Queering the Catalog: Queer Theory and the Politics of Correction, and Gendered S(h)elves: Body and Identity in the Library. In the second title, she explains how “queers of all kinds have always found a home in the library,” and how when she was 14, she ran into a book that had a “fantastic queer sex” scene that awakened her to her own sexual preferences.
Wyoming State Rep. John Bear (R) noted correctly earlier this year that in his view, under Drabinski, the ALA is an association full of Marxists who promote books that “create a sexualized child at an earlier age” and are “turning libraries into activist training grounds.”
“The ALA has allowed this political point of view to infiltrate every aspect of their training,” Bear said, according to NBC News. “And their trainings are just completely full of things like, how to deal with parents who don’t appreciate the type of materials that are available to children in the library, how to deal with your state legislature or your local government.”
Wyoming State Rep. Pepper Ottman (R) said in a July 12 webinar that the ALA’s recommended reading lists were provided “to open children up to pornography” and to groom them for sex trafficking.
Drabinski and the ALA’s response to criticism has been to announce that the organization will provide monetary and legal support to libraries facing challenges from parents who are concerned about the indoctrination of their children. The ALA understands better than you what your kids should read and how they should think.
Drabinski’s contempt for traditional values and American “heterosexual normative” society drips from every word she utters. She articulates openly that “queerness” is about “subverting normal family types.” She classifies all of her critics as racists, ultra-violent, and dangerous Christian nationalists.
“As long as we agree to the terms set by a Christo-fascist right, organized over decades and currently mobilized to attack schools and libraries and the people who work in them, we’ll be stuck defending the indefensible, arguing for the right to read on very narrow terms.“
“… you ban these books not because you don't want people to read them, but because you don't want black people, Jewish people, gay people to exist at all. So, it's very scary and very violent and super organized. And I think that's the thing that's most frightening to me.”
Conservatives in Drabinski’s words, “don’t even want schools or libraries at all.” They are not concerned parents who believe they should have the right to decide what their kids do and do not read and when. They are Nazis. They are racists. It is the job, in fact, the obligation, of all decent, hard-working Marxist librarians to fight back and make sure that queer Marxist ideology is spread far and wide.
This is the lady who is the public face of the nation’s public libraries. She is not looking to provide resources to help you in raising and educating your child. She is looking to subvert all of your values, turn your children against you, and destroy the world in which you live.
Welcome to the revolution where your public library is the new frontline in the culture war.
Librarians as well as teachers have never worked outside of the 'educational" system. Therefore, their only instruction has come at the hand of progressive teachers. They see no problem with carrying on the indoctrination. It is the family unit that must counter these measures.
And we wonder what has happened to our children? The devil may be in the details, but he certainly is active in schools, public and private, and in the libraries more-so. Parents, get your children out of these taxpayer funded indoctrination centers!
The worst trick ever played on the American family was convincing women that they needed to enter the workplace to prove their worth. This nearly doubled tax income to the government and allowed strangers to raise the next generation. Women are the foundation of the family and society as a whole. We are now reaping what the left has sown.