“The first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club.”
Tyler Durden
Apparently, Marxists, at least in modern-day America, have the same rule. The first rule about Marxism is you don’t talk about Marxism.
Americans hate Marxism. They understand it is a failed ideology that has killed hundreds of millions of people and laid waste to entire nations. They do not want it here. So, even as the revolutionaries spread their doctrine and feed it to your children they color it as something else.
Schools all over the country now teach something called Liberated Ethnic Studies (LES). LES features “anti-racist” materials which instruct children as young as five about the evil nature of the country they live in and its horrible, genocidal origins. These programs include books like “Christopher the Ogre Cologre, It’s Over” that teach “the truth about Christopher Columbus, white settler colonialism and the history of the Americas from the perspective of indigenous and black resistances.”

Much of the material used in programs like this around the country is produced by something called the Zinn Education Project. The Zinn Education Project leaves no doubt about its attitude toward the United States of America.
“It was founded on dispossession of Native Americans, slavery, structural racism and oppression; and structural racism is a defining characteristic of our society today.”
One of the signature projects of the Zinn Education Project is the push to abolish Columbus Day nationwide.

“It is time to stop celebrating the crimes of Columbus and stand in solidarity with the Indigenous people who demand an end to Columbus Day. Instead of glorifying a person who enslaved and murdered people, destroyed cultures, and terrorized those who challenged his rule, we seek to honor these communities demanding sovereignty, recognition, and rights. We encourage schools to petition their administration and for communities to introduce legislation to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Below we provide information and resources to join the campaign to Abolish Columbus Day.”
The Zinn Education Project is an outgrowth of the works of Howard Zinn. Zinn was an American Communist. He served in the Second World War in the Army Air Corps, not to defend democracy but because he thought the defeat of Hitler would guarantee the rise of world communism. He served to support Stalin and the Soviets.
The FBI maintained a massive file on Zinn, which documented in great detail his activities in a group called the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), which was funded and directed by Moscow. He was regarded as such an expert on Communism that he taught classes in Marxism at the CPUSA headquarters in New York. During the Vietnam War Zinn traveled to Hanoi to meet with North Vietnamese leaders.
Zinn taught at Boston University for 24 years. During that time he indoctrinated untold numbers of students with his ideology. Zinn also had close ties to pro-Castro groups and the Black Panthers.
In 2003 Zinn gave an interview singing the praises of ANSWER. ANSWER is a pro-North Korean Communist group that opposes American foreign policy and that of its allies.
The Zinn Education Project in its current form is effectively a joint project of two organizations called Teaching for Change and Rethinking Schools.
Teaching for Change is a far-left group that receives money from George Soros and the Tides Foundation that funnel massive quantities of cash to groups focused on destroying the existing economic, political and social order in the United States. Its materials glorify revolutionary figures such as Ho Chi Minh, Mao Tse Tung and Malcolm X. One of the lesson plans it provided to teachers is entitled “What We Want, What We Believe’: Teaching with the Black Panthers’ Ten Point Program.” The Black Panthers were a domestic terrorist group that assassinated at least 33 American police officers in furtherance of their revolution.
Rethinking Schools focuses directly on the role of teachers in changing society and destroying the social order. Its materials have very little to do with educating children. They have everything to do with transforming the United States along Marxist lines.
Rethinking Schools produces books like “Reading, Writing and Rising Up.”They have been at the forefront of the move to brand the teaching of proper English grammar as racist and to brand mathematics as an example of white oppression of minorities. The group has a close relationship with Black Lives Matter and was part of the push that has now institutionalized a Black Live Matter week in America’s public schools.

The chairman of the board of Rethinking Schools is a guy named Wayne Au. He has written many of the materials the group distributes including material glorifying the Black Panthers. Just in case you were unclear about his intentions he has also written a book called “A Marxist Education.”
A review of the book breaks it down this way.
“In A Marxist Education, Au explains his own path to becoming a Marxist educator, defends Marxism as a legitimate paradigm for analyzing and understanding the US educational system, and reclaims the work of Lev Vygotsky and Paulo Freire as part of the Marxist and dialectical materialist traditions.”
“In addition to exposing and critiquing top-down education reforms, Au delves into debates among the left and defends Marx and Marxism. “
“Au begins and concludes A Marxist Education with personal anecdotes…He discusses why he has been careful about revealing that he is a Marxist. Au’s father was a Communist, and he instructed Au to be quiet about this to avoid persecution. So, from an early age, Au learned that there were dangers associated with revealing one’s leftist politics. Later in life, as a graduate student, Au learned that US academics generally dismiss Marxists as illegitimate. To become a successful academic and publish in acclaimed journals, faculty members must be cautious about sharing their Marxist orientations.” [Emphasis added.]
Our schools are under the control of an educational establishment completely infiltrated by Marxists who detest this nation and everything it stands for. They are not attempting to teach your children to read, write or do arithmetic. They are training them as revolutionaries for the express purpose of destroying this nation from within.
That is the obvious truth. And, yet, somehow, it cannot be said. The first rule of Marxism is as we know – you can’t talk about Marxism.
Seems to me that all we do is talk about the evil within........knowing all about it, Marxism, the evil prowling the land, all of the evil orgs out there that are determined to destroy this country, the Republic, and all that is good about it. Someday, it will be all over, and we will stand around and wonder, with our fingers in our nostrils, wondering just how this could happen. We have become specialists------experts------at talking the issues to death......ad nauseam.......knowing full well who is causing much of our problems-----and yet, nothing changes. So sad.......and historians will not be kind. KN