The FBI Hid Hunter Biden’s Laptop From The American People – In Doing So They Ran Cover For Chinese Intelligence
Elon Musk has opened the doors and revealed what we all suspected but now know to be true. The FBI actively worked to prevent the American people from learning the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop and its contents. In so doing they interfered in an American Presidential election and ran political cover for Joe Biden.
But, they did much more than that.

Let’s review succinctly, what we now know from a multitude of sources to be true about Hunter, his laptop and what Hunter was up to when he was bouncing around the world during the years Dad was Vice-President.
Hunter is the son of a prominent American politician. He has no other obvious skills. He was thrown out of the U.S. Navy for cocaine use. His home movies that are now splashed all over the internet show clearly that habit has not abated.
Nobody hires Hunter to do anything, because of his abilities or training. They certainly don’t hand him millions and sometimes billions of dollars at a sitting on that basis. They hand Hunter cash to buy access to his father.
Thugs, Communist dictators, and despots may be many things. They are not as a rule fools. They may hand you cash once and then wait to see if you can deliver. They won’t do it twice unless you come through.
They all kept coming back and lining up for Hunter.
At the top of the list of evil-doers with whom Hunter did business was the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Many of the folks with whom Hunter dealt were directly tied to Xi Jinping. Many were known Chinese intelligence officers. It has been established that Xi was personally aware of and sanctioned the contact with Hunter.
Everything about the CCP contact with Hunter is straight out of the playbook for what the Chinese call elite capture. The purpose of elite capture operations is to coopt foreign leaders and bend them to the will of the Chinese government.
The Chinese buy foreign leaders and from that point on those leaders do what the CCP tells them to do. Not the plot of a bad spy film. Happens every day all over the world.
Take the case of the Bidens - Change the names, change the facts to have occurred somewhere in Africa or Latin America, and without hesitation every intel analyst in the Intelligence Community would tell you that what the Chinese were doing was buying a senior foreign leader.
That is exactly what this is and always has been. It is not about Hunter Biden’s cocaine habit or embezzlement or even human trafficking as heinous as that is. This is an espionage case. This is about the intelligence apparatus of a foreign government gaining control over the man who sits in the Oval Office.

Kind of a big deal.
The FBI is the senior domestic counterintelligence agency in the United States Government. The heart and soul of its mission in that regard is to prevent our agencies and institutions from being penetrated by hostile intelligence services. Those services, first and foremost the Chinese, swarm all over the United States and American political leaders are amongst their top targets.
None of this is controversial. None of it is new. None of it is in dispute.
Three years ago the FBI came into possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop. He had turned it into a repair shop for work and apparently abandoned it. Maybe that sounds hard to believe to you. Let me assure you in the context of Hunter Biden’s behavior, it is not weird at all.
Even a cursory examination of the laptop would have set off alarm bells. The laptop is filled with emails, texts, and documents showing clearly that the son of the Vice President was in direct contact with Chinese intelligence and taking vast sums of money from the CCP. The implications were obvious.
Even if you were to bend over backwards, deny the reality of the deals being done, and give Joe Biden the benefit of presumptions of innocence he did not deserve you would have to recognize the gravity of the situation. Chinese intelligence was either standing on the doorstep of recruiting the sitting Vice-President of the United States or they had already done so.
That same man was now running for President. In a worst-case scenario it was possible the American people were about to elect a real-life Manchurian Candidate to office. Alarm bells needed to be rung.
And, yet, they were not. The opposite was done. Lies were spread. The laptop was buried, and it remains buried.
These things we now know to be true. The FBI ran cover for Chinese intelligence. The whole nation may be in peril as a consequence. Now we need to know – Why?
It is now obvious, if it was not sooner, that the FBI is no longer the FBI but a Chinese intelligence operation. It needs to be disbanded and anyone who even touched anything even remotely connected to China, if not a valid investigation of wrong doing, should never be allowed to serve in any capacity in any level of government for the rest of their lives.
It's hard to leave a meaningful comment to this. So many wrongs need to be righted. Newt Gingrich commented that the Republican Party (and I would add, American Conservatives) need to stop relying on logic and facts to support their case and use tactics the Democrats have mastered: identity politics, emotion, and fear mongering. We are pussy-footing around.