"Don't say we didn't warn you!"
That phrase was used repeatedly during a Taiwan Studies in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences forum in China on Friday. It was directed at the United States in regard to Taiwan. The same phrase was used by China prior to its 1962 border war with India and its 1979 war with Vietnam.

On Thursday night, Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke by phone with Joe Biden. During that call he used these words in regard to Taiwan "Public opinion cannot be defied. Those who play with fire will perish by it. It is hoped that the U.S. will be clear-eyed about this." Similar warnings have been coming from the Chinese government for a week.
China is ramping up its rhetoric concerning Speaker Pelosi’s possible impending trip to Taiwan in defiance of Beijing’s demands that she not visit that island nation. The real point, though, is not that Pelosi’s trip is somehow strategically important. It is that the Chinese Communist Party is deliberately engineering a pretext for military action. Beijing wants to be able to claim American provocation in order to justify what is coming next.
Yang Mingjie, head of the Institute of Taiwan Studies in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, laid out for China’s Global Times very clearly what China’s impending actions will look like. “The PLA can also declare air and maritime zones around the island of Taiwan as restricted zones to resist Pelosi's plane. Chinese fighter jets can also fly across the island to start a new model to fight against the military actions of secessionists on the island”, Wang said,
Wang was couching his comments in regard to Pelosi’s possible visit specifically. More broadly, they describe a Chinese blockade of Taiwan. Chinese air and sea forces would simply seal Taiwan off from any contact with the outside world. The action would be characterized as an internal matter. Beijing officially considers Taiwan a breakaway province. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would represent to the world that it was dealing with a domestic issue and effectively dare the United States and the West to break the blockade and intervene.
With Biden in the White House, the chances of such action to rescue Taiwan are effectively zero.
As if on cue, China announced Saturday that live-fire “drills” would be held in the waters near Taiwan off China’s Fujian Province.
“Pingtan Maritime Safety Administration in Fujian Province issued a navigation warning on Friday, saying that live-fire training missions will be carried out in waters near Pingtan island from 8 am to 9 pm on Saturday. All ships will be prohibited from entering. Live-fire training means using
bullets that don't have eyes, and those who enter without permission will face the consequences. It is not ruled out that there will be more live ammunition drills in the next few days. If needed, we could also delimit missile test areas and conduct ballistic tests. During the sensitive period, the People's Liberation Army will monitor Pelosi's plane in a timely manner. If it is found flying toward our airspace, the PLA fighter jets could warn, follow, intercept, electronically interfere, force a landing, or drive it back. In this process, any consequences may occur, and the responsibility rests entirely with the US.”
The USS Reagan - a nuclear aircraft carrier - is now patrolling in waters near China. Chinese naval vessels are reported to be shadowing the carrier and its battle group. Pelosi is expected to make a stop in Taiwan sometime in the next few days.

For many years we have calculated what would happen were China to move against Taiwan. Nowhere in those calculations have we included the possibility that we would be betrayed at the highest possible level. We have always assumed that the person in the Oval Office would have America’s best interests at heart.
Such calculations are meaningless now.
Biden was an empty suit in his prime. He is long past that now, increasingly decrepit and infirm. His dementia and his weak health are perhaps the least of our worries, however.
The press may struggle to avoid discussing the obvious, but Joe Biden was bought and paid for by Beijing long, long ago. The amount of money that has flowed into the Biden criminal enterprise from the Chinese Communist Party is staggering. Beijing did not pay Joe and his family all that money for nothing. They paid it, as they do worldwide in their elite capture program, to buy influence.
Joe is compromised. He is owned. Every action he has taken since he sat down in the White House has weakened the United States and strengthened the Chinese Communist Party.
There is blood in the water. The Chinese Communists have a historic opportunity to change the balance of power on the planet. No sane person can believe they will let this opportunity pass without exploiting it. No reasonable analyst can seriously suggest that Beijing would rather wait until 2024 and then see who the American people elect as President before making a move on Taiwan.
The likelihood of a Chinese move to blockade Taiwan increases every moment. That island nation is in the crosshairs, and Joe is not going to lift a finger to help it.
ChiComs didn't do too well against the VietComs in their skirmish. If PDJT was in the WH as the Legitimate President, the Vietamese might be offering DaNang as a naval base again.
But with Bid-en on the ChiCom hook for at least 1.5 Billion in Chicom Bribes it's not going to happen.
My scenario is the Chicoms sink a couple of USSA Woke Navy Aircraftcarriers and Bid-en asks for an Armistice with his Masters. It's all Pre-planned to avoid damaging USSA real estate that will be deeded to the ChiComs as part of the Armistice "Reparations". So don't fret too much Comrades, unless you have loved ones still in the USN, then "Thoughts & Prayers" are due of course.
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself." - Cicero