Xi Jinping appears committed to his draconian lockdown measures in China. Whether these actions are truly designed to control COVID or in fact, intended to destroy the power and influence of increasingly pro-Western elements in China’s south remains perhaps unclear. What is very clear, however, is that the people of China have had enough.

China disappeared behind the “Bamboo Curtain” in 1949. Its people have endured almost seventy-five years of horror. Untold millions have died of famine or been tortured to death in prison camps. The current regime makes hard cash through forced organ harvesting and is trying to breed the Uyghurs out of existence through mass rape.
Any sign that the people of China are rising up against his tyranny ought to be great news for all the freedom-loving people of the world. The United States of America, that “shining city on the hill,” ought to be the loudest voice of all calling for change

Instead, there is deafening silence.

Demonstrations have erupted in at least seven cities including Shanghai, Nanjing, and Guangzhou. Violence has broken out between the police and protesters. The people in the street aren’t just calling for an end to COVID restrictions. They are chanting "take down the CCP!" and "take down Xi Jinping!" The Chinese people are demanding an end to communism.
In Shanghai, protests are taking place right down the street from the U.S. Consulate. The American Ambassador to China has had nothing to say.
China is building vast camps in which to house anyone who tests positive for COVID. Children are taken away from their parents if the kids are positive and the parents are not. Vaccine passports are required to move in some designated cities.
The Chinese have made clear they are done with all of this. Testing centers are being destroyed by protesters. Barriers are being removed. The people of China have had enough.

What is emerging is a revolution. People in the street are calling it the White Paper Revolution in reference to CCP propaganda that forbids free expression. The protests have spread even to major universities. Increasingly, there are express calls for “democracy” and “freedom of expression.” Students are chanting “freedom will prevail” and “no to lockdowns, we want freedom.”
Professor of Global History at Oxford University, Peter Frankopan, commented on the gravity of the protests and warned the Chinese government would likely respond with even harsher measures.
'Most serious moment since Tiananmen in 89. Hard to see the genie get put back in the bottle. A soft touch needed; a hammer much more likely to come next. And then who knows,' he said.
Images on social media show crowds tearing down metal fences and barricades as they grapple with security officers. Video shows full-scale battles in the street between protesters and security force personnel
The official website of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing makes no mention of the disturbances. It does prominently display a photo of Joe Biden and Xi Jinping smiling and holding hands.

For the Chinese people, this is a historic moment. For the United States of America, a nation built on the principles of freedom and liberty, it is a defining one. Are we still a force for good in the world or have we sold our souls to the CCP?
For Joe Biden, a man dogged by growing evidence of compromise by the Chinese Communists it is time to make loyalties clear.
Whose side are you on Joe?
At least half of Congress and the WH are on Xi’s side. Not to mention the entire US State Department.
Extraordinary scenes in China and soon after Xi was crowned emperor for life. Must be excruciatingly humiliating for the emperor to see his serfdom in revolt and en masse. I really hope that the CCP will not just be topple but be eradicated and a democratic system finally put in place. There is much at stake and still a long road ahead