Rasmussen: 53% Of Americans Believe World Leaders Perceive Biden As Weaker Than Trump
And, Rasmussen teases new poll that shows most voters believe Hillary's campaign illegally spied on Trump campaign...
A recent Rasmussen poll shows that 53% of likely U.S. voters see President Biden as likely weaker in the eyes of world leaders than President Trump.
Voters don’t see President Joe Biden as having good relationships with most world leaders, and more than half believe those world leaders view him as weaker than his predecessor.
Thirty-three percent (33%) feel Biden is stronger than Trump in the eyes of most world leaders. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
And, Rasmussen tweeted earlier today that most voters think Hillary’s campaign broke the law, saying:
A majority of voters believe Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign acted illegally by encouraging federal agencies to spy on Donal Trump’s campaign.
#bidenapproval back at 41% today. bit.ly/preztrack Sponsored by @MattPalumbo12 and the MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN, available here: bit.ly/36kkOhM
63% of voters think Durham's investigation of the Clinton campaign is important, including 45% who say very important.
32% disagree.
#Russiagate #DurhamWatch
Coming Up Today:
@JoeBiden daily presidential job approval % is - down.
Most Voters Think Hillary’s Campaign Broke the Law
A majority of voters believe Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign acted illegally by encouraging federal agencies to spy on Donald Trump's campaign.
Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll