Now We Have Show Trials Right Here At Home - The January 6th Committee To Begin Public Hearings
In the old Soviet Union, the Communist Party used to conduct show trials. Show trials are like real trials except the result is pre-ordained, and the point is not to find the truth but to destroy your political opponent. Look under “kangaroo court” in the dictionary, and you will get some idea.
Or, you can just wait until June 9th and watch the public hearings of the January 6 Committee.
More than 500 days after January 6, 2021, the committee investigating the alleged “insurrection” is ready to show its work. The House select committee will hold its first public hearing this week. We are promised that we will see stunning never before seen evidence of just how close we came to having an armed coup carried out in the nation’s capital.
“The committee will present previously unseen material documenting January 6th, receive witness testimony, preview additional hearings, and provide the American people a summary of its findings about the coordinated, multi-step effort to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election and prevent the transfer of power.”
There are only a few minor problems. There was no insurrection. There was no attempted coup. There was no conspiracy.
On January 6, 2021 hundreds of thousands of people gathered on the Mall in Washington, DC. I was there. It was the biggest crowd I have ever seen in my life. That crowd was largely middle-aged. It was peaceful.
There was no talk of insurrection. There was no talk of storming anything. When the crowd began to move in the direction of the Capitol it moved slowly and peacefully and with the purpose of letting Congress hear the concerns of a great many Americans about the legitimacy of the recently completed Presidential election. Given that we had just voted nationwide using mail-in voting procedures never before tried and largely devoid of any meaningful security procedures, those concerns were then and remain today, entirely valid.
At some point, some portion of that crowd, minuscule in comparison to its overall size, entered the Capitol. A small portion of those individuals engaged in criminal conduct. Aside from Ashley Babbitt who was shot by a Capitol Police officer, no one was killed inside or outside the Capitol that day. No bombs were detonated. No one did anything that could remotely be classified as an attempt to overthrow the government of the United States. A few individuals were charged with carrying firearms in violation of the District of Columbia’s strict firearms laws. No one used a firearm in the commission of an offense.
The best data available shows that a grand total of 725 people were arrested for actions related to the entry into the U.S. Capitol building. As of this writing perhaps a tenth of those arrested have actually been sentenced for anything. Most of those have been convicted of things like trespassing and demonstrating or parading in the Capitol building, which it turns out is a crime. The median prison sentence for those sent to jail has been 45 days. Many of those convicted have been given fines, community service, or probation.
Not a single person has been charged with insurrection or treason for actions committed on January 6th.
My point here is not to excuse criminal conduct. If you forcibly entered the Capitol, assaulted a police officer, or vandalized public property I have no sympathy for you. You engaged in criminal conduct. You should pay the price.
My point is that there was no attempt to overthrow the government. A relatively small number of individuals entered the Capitol where most of them spent their time taking selfies and walking the halls.

Perhaps more to the point, the Democratic lawmakers on the January 6th Committee know that. These are the same folks who encouraged BLM and Antifa to burn cities for months. These are the same people who weaponized the FBI to spread false stories about collusion between Donald Trump and Russia. They know exactly what real insurrection looks like.
The real point of the January 6th Committee is to spread disinformation not simply to discredit and politically destroy Donald Trump and his supporters but to create a climate of fear in which dramatic changes can be made to our electoral system that will guarantee permanent Democratic rule. The goal is the creation of a one-party state.
The changes contemplated by the Committee include eliminating the Electoral College, federalizing all elections, involving law enforcement and intelligence agencies more closely in monitoring the political opponents of the Biden regime, and branding those questioning electoral results as having engaged in sedition.

Just as Stalin used show trials to destroy his political opponents and solidify his control over the Soviet Union, the Democratic Party wishes to use the coming hearings to destroy the America First movement in America and solidify its hold on the country. That is the agenda. That is the truth.
We have seen many things right here at home in recent years that we never believed possible.
We can add another to that list. Now we have show trials right here in the USA.
I was there too (J6). I never knew that people went inside the Capitol until I got back to my hotel that evening and watched the news, but did see some of the action outside.
It was a setup. At least by the time I got to the Capitol from the Ellipse, there were no barriers, signs or police telling people not to approach the actual building. Now tell me that would EVER occur, unless intentionally?
I was on alert for Antifa/ Shut Down DC types (they were coming out at dusk at the Jericho March in December to beat on straggler attendees of that). I spotted plenty. It's easy, combinations of: generally all black with Trump garb appended over, backpacks, helmets, goggles or gas masks (anticipating being tear gassed) - virtually all twenty-something white males, not genuine Trump supporters. Typically in small groups (teams) of 2-4, from what I saw.
I also happened to capture some video with a guy that appears very Ray Epps-like, promenading in front of the crowd which was back a little from a line of police deployed right next to the Capitol building (the side facing the Mall). He was strutting between the crowd and the police line, looking (to me) like he was stirring the pot. The police didn't bother him.
It wasn't Epps, but I'll bet he was working on the same (FBI?) team. I saw him conversing (friendly banter and what appeared to be coordinating) with some Antifa / Shut Down DC looking types near the end of the police line.
Right down to the core brother. Military during Cold War days.
We are failing our own populace. Makes me feel shame. Also pissed. 🇺🇸