Men Are Pigs But Women Don't Exist
Feminism began as a movement seeking equality for women. It wanted women to have the same opportunities to live their lives that men enjoyed. They could work outside the home. They could vote. They could shape their own destinies.
“I know nothing of man’s rights, or woman’s rights; human rights are all that I recognize.”
“There shall never be another season of silence until women have the same rights men have on this green earth.”
And then somewhere along the way, things began to change. Things became less about equality with men and a lot more about denigrating men. Being a man became a bad thing. Masculinity became something to ridicule and tear down. It became “toxic.”
“All men are pigs and I hope they die, and monkeys take over, then things would be way better.”
Toxic masculinity was described as typically male behaviors that involved sexual violence, misogyny, and homophobia. It was based on dominating women and physical conflict.
The American Psychological Association’s (APA) “Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men” characterizes “traditional masculinity ideology” as:
“A particular constellation of standards that have held sway over large segments of the population, including anti-femininity, achievement, eschewal of the appearance of weakness, and adventure, risk, and violence.” The guidelines go on to say that traditional masculinity “represents a set of characteristics that are unhealthy for men.”
Men are bad. They are abusive. Were it not for that pesky reproduction thing they would be unnecessary and easily discarded.
Society in fact would be better off without men. They have created the patriarchy, and the patriarchy is very bad.
“The Patriarchy is a system of oppression within which men have primary power and dominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege, and control of property. Patriarchy privileges men over women and non-male people and shows up in structural, institutional, intrapersonal, and interpersonal ways. As a social structure, patriarchy normalizes discrimination and oppression based on sex and gender. Patriarchy is oppressive to people of all genders as it imposes on organic growth and development. The United States was and is an example of patriarchy, based on the social facts of men being elevated above non-men and wielding the majority of power and privilege in society. Because society reflects a gender-based hierarchy today, it is important for students to understand the concept and function of patriarchy as a precursor for resistance and social change. Understanding patriarchy as a system of oppression is the first step to dismantling the system itself in the pursuit of social justice and equity.”
So, what began as a quest for equality morphed along the way into an attack on men and masculinity. There was nothing to be celebrated about being a guy. There were only things for which to apologize and seek forgiveness.
But, now somehow, in some weird way, the bill for all this is coming due. Having decided that men were not worthy of respect feminists now find that they are under the same kind of attack. Women only yesterday celebrated as being able to do it all without any help from men now find that they are the ones who are irrelevant, unnecessary, and anachronistic.
There is nothing special about being a woman. Anybody can do it.
Don’t have a vagina? Never mind. Change your name. Put on a woman’s swimsuit. You’re good. No one will dare question you. Order them to call you “she” and make sure to sue if they don’t.
Don’t have a womb? No big deal. Scientists are already working on artificial wombs. Pretty soon we will just grow kids in bags and then cut them out after nine months. This procedure we will then call a “birth.” The appropriate documentation will be issued to prove it is so.
Anyone can now be a “woman.” Anyone now can demand to access safe spaces set aside for females to protect them from violence and abuse. Presumably, anyone willing to dress in women’s clothes and take on a female name can be the head of a “female-owned” business or contend for a scholarship set aside for females, or shower with the girls after high school gym class.
Women have it worse than men. Men are ‘pigs’ and ‘Neanderthals’. Women effectively don’t exist. They have been erased.
The lesson to be learned here perhaps is one about respect. Maybe we ought to have a lot more respect for each other. Maybe we ought to have a lot more respect for nature. Maybe we ought to spend a lot less time looking for ways to tear things down and destroy traditional institutions and a lot more time venerating them.
Men and women do exist. They are different. We can acknowledge that and celebrate that and still live as equals.
Let’s give that a try.