Marxist Groups Prepare To Shut Down The Supreme Court
“Right now our political system is in crisis. Times of crisis can either be opportunities to break through the inertia and win transformational change or they can be opportunities for the establishment to further entrench the status quo.
On June 13, one of the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision days, we plan to blockade the streets around the Supreme Court to rise up for the transformative change that our communities need.”

This announcement is currently posted on the website for the group “Shut Down DC,” which has been associated with any number of violent, leftist actions in the nation’s capital. This group will not be the only one on the streets on Monday. It will be joined by all the usual suspects in the growing coalition of radical Marxist groups dedicated – not to peaceful protest – but to violent insurrection.

This latest action comes against the backdrop of increasingly aggressive actions by pro-abortion groups. Christian churches and social centers around the country have been attacked. Protesters have appeared outside the homes of Supreme Court justices. At least one individual has been arrested for the attempted murder of Justice Kavanaugh.

The biggest force behind the coming violent disturbance in Washington, D.C. is an organization called Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights. That group is the creation, whole cloth, of the Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA. The RevComs as they style themselves have an explicitly Marxist agenda. They seek the overthrow of the republic.
Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights aka the RevComs could not be more clear in regard to the intentions for Monday’s action.
Monday, June 13, 2022:
Come to the Supreme Court in DC and Stay.
Imagine: Every day, more and more people pouring into the capital. Amassing at the Supreme Court. All night vigils. Protests. Hunger strikes. People by the thousands and tens of thousands returning day after day. The Green Bandana of abortion rights worn and waved everywhere. On Mondays, when the Supreme Court typically releases decisions, the Capitol and Court become so surrounded by masses of women, men, people of all genders and nationalities and backgrounds that it becomes clear to all in power that we will sooner bring the gears of society to a grinding halt through mass nonviolent resistance than allow the right to abortion to be taken away.
Those behind this assault are counting on our silence.
We must not give it to them.

“Right now, as opposed to relying on and being restricted by the Democrats, everyone who refuses to see women reduced to breeders of children, dominated by men and a male supremacist society, everyone who cares about living in a just society, needs to be taking to the streets—and staying in the streets—in massive, sustained, growing protest and rebellion aimed at preventing the Supreme Court (and fascists more broadly) from denying women the right to abortion, with everything that would represent (and the terrible future it foreshadows). Forced motherhood IS female enslavement.”
“Fundamentally, to bring about a more just society and world, what is needed, and all the more urgently now, is a revolution to overthrow this whole system…”
What is about to happen in D.C. will not be a civil, peaceful protest. We are about to see deliberate violence aimed at the destruction of the existing economic, political and social system. While the Democrats continue to indulge their fantasies about January 6th a real revolution has already begun.