Trump won. He is filling out his Cabinet. For those in the America First movement, this is all very good news. Still, we should not delude ourselves as to the scope of the task ahead not just in Washington, DC but around the country. This has only just begun.
Republicans of all stripes have been very happy to stand on stage next to Donald Trump wearing MAGA hats and talking about “draining the swamp”. That does not mean they really believe any of what they said. The swamp remains deep not just in DC but in state capitals around the country. Many of the creatures that inhabit it are Republicans.
Let’s take Pennsylvania, the state that stopped Kamala’s campaign dead in its tracks for example. Harris was defeated by the power of a grassroots movement that has been spreading across the Commonwealth for years and long since transcended traditional political boundaries. This was a true guerilla war in which mass mobilization won the day.
The turnout in rural largely white counties was in many places close to 100% and overwhelmingly those people voted for Trump. Trump’s victory, though, was not a matter of white backlash. Take a look at places like Hazleton, an old coal town that is now two-thirds Hispanic. Every precinct in Hazleton went for Trump with 60-70% of these voters voting for Trump’s America First agenda. Take a look at Philadelphia where unprecedented numbers of black Americans lined up in support of that same platform.
Why did these people vote for Trump? It boils down to what it always does in politics – ‘kitchen table” issues. The voters in Hazleton and all across Pennsylvania voted for lower taxes, smaller government, lower prices, safer streets, and border security. They voted against the “woke agenda”, transgender madness and government censorship
The people in Hazleton and all across Pennsylvania don’t want teachers pushing transgender ideology and Marxist rhetoric. They want government to back off and stop trying to run every aspect of people’s lives. They believe in the family. They believe in God. They believe in that most basic American right – the right to be “let alone”.
The people of Pennsylvania are also sick of politicians trying to divide them by color, ethnicity, or gender. They are proud of where they came from and who they are, but they know what unites them is infinitely greater than what separates them. They may be from the Dominican Republic or India or their families may have immigrated here before the Revolution.
That’s not how they define themselves.
They are first and foremost Americans, and they demand a government that answers to them. They demand a government filled with people who remember what the term “public servant” means. Their ancestors fought the most powerful empire on the planet over these issues. They are no less resolved.
These people also understand the magnitude of the struggle they are in. Trump’s victory was a significant milestone in the fight by Pennsylvanians and all Americans to retake control of their country. It was not the end of anything, however. When the battle of Trenton was over, and the Hessians had surrendered Washington told his generals to get the troops ready to march immediately. They protested that they and their soldiers were tired and needed rest. His response is legendary. “What can you be thinking? That we have won the war?”
We just won a battle. The war is a long way from over.
Pennsylvania’s elections are a mess. Mail-in voting and Supreme Court decreed drop boxes have combined to create a bizarre overly complex system that no one fully understands and is impossible to police. This time we managed to have a reasonably secure election but only by using a system held together by the equivalent of bailing wire and chewing gum. That system needs fixed urgently.
In Harrisburg, the Republicans who claim to be supporters of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement passed the bill that created the current mad system. In the aftermath of the 2020 election, they did exactly nothing to rectify their mistake and, in fact, ridiculed those who criticized the system as conspiracy theorists and election deniers. Even today they sit passively and watch the electoral chaos with detachment.
Similarly, those same Republicans have stood by and watched and done nothing to rectify other problems that are central to the MAGA movement. Libraries all over that state including those in Pennsylvania schools make age-inappropriate pornographic material available to children. Mad transgender surgeries are performed on minors all over that state. Philadelphia is one of the epicenters of this Frankensteinish billion-dollar industry. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia performs more gender transition surgeries than any other facility in the country.
Philadelphia and other major cities in the Commonwealth are overrun with drugs. The Kensington neighborhood in Philadelphia looks like a scene from the “Walking Dead”. Homelessness is rampant. Thousands of Pennsylvanians live in shacks and tents along the river that flows through Scranton. Illegal immigrants invade small towns and cities across the state.
The Republicans in Harrisburg are nowhere to be found on any of these issues. They pride themselves on making common cause with a Democratic Party increasingly dominated by radicals and Marxists. They appeal for unity and compromise when the time has long since come for backbone and resolve. Trump comes to town, and they make a few tough-sounding speeches. Trump leaves town, and these same Republicans take their MAGA hats off and go right back to business as usual.
Trump will soon be in the White House. That battle is won. Many more loom ahead in Pennsylvania and around the country. The Republican establishment continues to be overrun with officeholders who consider what is now the base of their party to be composed of radical extremists.
Che Guevara the legendary Argentinian Marxist guerilla spoke in terms of “many Vietnams”. He meant by that the necessity, from his revolutionary optic, to continue and broaden the fight against “Western imperialism”. He wanted to fight it everywhere. The members of the America First movement in Pennsylvania and elsewhere stand in a very different place on the ideological spectrum from Che but they understand what he was saying.
This is not about one election or any one state. This is about many Pennsylvania’s now. This revolution has only just begun.
The "NEXT STEPS " are pretty much a continuation of our 47 Victory. Keeping our garrisons in tactics and mobilization of AMERICA FIRST 🇺🇸 primary candidates and door knocking insurgency teams to replace school board, council and PA STATE LEGISLATORS! The people are surely ready as they see thier efforts and votes do indeed matter. And I'll add another point here...we usually fade into the dusk once our elected officials are seated. But not this time! We need to now influence and direct our representatives so they FEEL where we are telling them the path forward, our path forward. The MCCONNEL INCIDENT is just the first of many. And the first move Of Senator Mccormick, as reported, is an example of the SWAMP claiming MAGA and selling out our hard fought efforts if the pundits are correct. And that must not go unchallenged in The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and these United States! Indeed, the next battle has just begun. As a former Tea Party general, I know the drill. And it is great company we all keep.
Meanwhile, the PA House Rep for the 96th district is a mom of a transgender who began her transition at age 13. Nikki Rivera is the school board president for Manheim Township School District and a Spanish teacher for Warwick School District.
Our local Republican committee is run by a lobbyist who is chummy with Cutler and Aument, both of whom ushered in mail in ballots enthusiastically and excitedly jumped in head first with the Pfizer vaccine clinics.
Our PA GOP is broken.
We have to keep the engagement, infiltrate local committees with America First committeemen and committeewomen, and flip the PA GOP. We delivered PA for Trump and we can flip this ineffective establishment uniparty, too!