Josh Shapiro Is Terrified Of Toni Shuppe - She Knows The Truth About 2020 And She Won't Stop Talking About It
Josh Shapiro is the Attorney-General of Pennsylvania. He has failed catastrophically in that role. On that basis, of course, he now believes he should be Governor.
Election Day is less than six weeks away. Shapiro is crisscrossing the state in a final push to defeat Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee. As Shapiro makes his final push, strangely enough, he has shown an intense interest in the activities of a lady named Toni Shuppe who runs an organization called Audit the Vote.
According to Shapiro, Mastriano intends to appoint Shuppe to be his Secretary of State when he becomes Governor. This is, according to Shapiro, unthinkable, because Shuppe is “dangerous” and, wait for it, a “conspiracy theorist.”
It seems worth examining, therefore, who this dangerous radical is and what exactly these conspiracy theories are that the infamous Toni Shuppe espouses.
Shuppe grew up in that ‘hotbed’ of radical thought – New Castle, Pennsylvania. She then attended Penn State, got a degree in mechanical engineering and went to work in the nuclear industry at a power plant in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. She later left the nuclear industry to found her own business and become an entrepreneur. She is married. She home schools three kids. She teaches classes on the Constitution.
So far very dangerous…
Shuppe is the leader of a group called Audit the Vote in Pennsylvania. Group members number somewhere around 120,000. Audit the Vote is dedicated to the proposition that there should be a full audit of the 2020 election in order to determine whether or not fraud occurred. Audit the Vote does not make bald accusations without a factual basis. Audit the Vote collects data, analyzes it, and then makes that data available to the public.
Earlier this year, Audit the Vote published the results of canvassing activities it had conducted in 10 different Pennsylvania counties. The purpose of the effort was “to restore voter confidence given all the controversy and unanswered questions surrounding the 2020 election. All together Audit the Vote volunteers went to 3000 houses. They then interviewed the people living at those locations about how they had voted in 2020, who was registered to vote at the location, etc. Then they compared the results of those interviews with what the official Pennsylvania SURE voting system said.
The results, which are available in full on the Audit the Vote website, were shocking.
“Allegheny County:
73% of surveys collected had a discrepancy
Registration County Discrepancy - 62%
Phantom Registrations - 56%
Missing Registrations - 6%
Vote County Discrepancy - 40%
Phantom Votes - 27%
Missing Votes - 13%
Berks County:
47% of surveys collected had a discrepancy
Registration County Discrepancy - 38%
Phantom Registrations - 35%
Missing Registrations - 6%
Vote County Discrepancy - 33%
Phantom Votes - 35%
Missing Votes - 6%
Butler County:
43% of surveys collected had a discrepancy
Registration County Discrepancy - 36%
Phantom Registrations - 30%
Missing Registrations - 6%
Vote County Discrepancy - 30%
Phantom Votes - 19%
Missing Votes - 11%
Chester County:
46% of surveys collected had a discrepancy
Registration County Discrepancy - 33%
Phantom Registrations - 24%
Missing Registrations - 9%
Vote County Discrepancy - 22%
Phantom Votes - 16%
Missing Votes - 8%
Delaware County:
59% of surveys collected had a discrepancy
Registration County Discrepancy - 40%
Phantom Registrations - 30%
Missing Registrations - 12%
Vote County Discrepancy - 37%
Phantom Votes - 25%
Missing Votes - 12%
Lancaster County:
37% of surveys collected had a discrepancy
Registration County Discrepancy - 30%
Phantom Registrations - 21%
Missing Registrations - 9%
Vote County Discrepancy - 26%
Phantom Votes - 17%
Missing Votes - 9%
Lycoming County:
48% of surveys collected had a discrepancy
Registration County Discrepancy - 44%
Phantom Registrations - 37%
Missing Registrations - 7%
Vote County Discrepancy - 21%
Phantom Votes - 12%
Missing Votes - 9%
Montgomery County:
52% of surveys collected had a discrepancy
Registration County Discrepancy - 42%
Phantom Registrations - 23%
Missing Registrations - 19%
Vote County Discrepancy - 36%
Phantom Votes - 13%
Missing Votes - 23%
Washington County:
50% of surveys collected had a discrepancy
Registration County Discrepancy - 38%
Phantom Registrations - 19%
Missing Registrations - 20%
Vote County Discrepancy - 37%
Phantom Votes - 14%
Missing Votes - 23%
York County:
45% of surveys collected had a discrepancy
Registration County Discrepancy - 37%
Phantom Registrations - 23%
Missing Registrations - 13%
Vote County Discrepancy - 29%
Phantom Votes - 15%
Missing Votes - 14%
Phantom Registrations - more people registered at an address than the resident is aware of.
Missing Registrations - fewer people registered at an address than the resident is aware of.
Vote County Discrepancy - more or less votes according to the certified results than the resident stated when taking the survey.
Phantom Votes - more votes certified from an address than the resident is aware of.
Missing Votes - fewer votes certified from an address than the resident is aware of.”
Based on these shocking results, Audit the Vote called for legislative hearings and a full audit of the results of the 2020 election. No action was taken. The state simply ignored the evidence presented.
Now, perhaps we understand what Shapiro means by dangerous. Now, we see why as Election Day approaches he is increasingly seized with the threat posed by Toni Shuppe. She may be a housewife from Western Pennsylvania who spends much of her day home schooling her kids, but she is in fact very threatening to a Democratic machine politician like Shapiro.
Toni Shuppe knows the truth about what happened in 2020, and she won’t stop talking about it.
(Full disclosure – I know Toni Shuppe personally and have worked with her and others on election integrity issues.)
Excellent and well worth the truth. Bless her courage. Great lesson for up and coming children also. Heroes matter! 🇺🇸