Is AOC A Communist?
This is a video of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) in the street in front of the Supreme Court. AOC is leading the crowd in chants declaring the Supreme Court illegitimate and urging people to take to the streets in response to the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade.
Joining AOC in this video is a woman holding a megaphone. That woman is Sunsara Taylor. She is the leader of Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights.
Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights is a creation - whole cloth – of Resist Fascism. Resist Fascism was formed in 2016 by leaders of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, an organization dedicated to the overthrow of the government of the United States and the establishment of a Communist totalitarian dictatorship in its place.
Sunsara Taylor is one of the leaders of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA. She helped create Refuse Fascism, which is purely a front for the Revolutionary Communist Party USA. She writes for the Revolution magazine and is the host of the Revolution Nothing Less Show.
During the Trump administration, Taylor called for Donald Trump to be driven from office. In 2017 before Trump was even in office, she was speaking on college campuses saying that revolution and socialism were in the air but making clear that “a real revolution – one that aims to change the world – is radically different and, yes, more demanding. A real revolution requires a scientific understanding of society and how to radically change it. That science has been qualitatively developed by the revolutionary leader, Bob Avakian. We’re coming to your campus to get into this with you.”
Speaking on one college campus, Taylor told her audience that her movement sought to bring about “a world without America and everything America stands for.”
In July 2016, Taylor and a number of fellow RCP members burned an American flag at the gates of the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, where the Republican National Convention was being held. “Inside the Republican convention a Nazi rally is taking place,” said Taylor. “This is a moment for courage. This is a moment to be on the streets.” After a number of protesters were arrested for the flag-burning incident, Taylor said, “That imperialist rag was in flames!” Adding that “America was never great.” According to Taylor America’s history is one of slavery, imperialism, capitalism, and unjustified police killings of nonwhite minorities.
In 2017 Taylor went on Tucker Carlson’s show and declared Donald Trump a fascist. She stated that in her opinion Trump was more dangerous than Hitler was.
"This is a danger to humanity. And yes, it's in its early stages, but people need to rise up and stop it before it is too late," Sunsara Taylor of 'Refuse Fascism,’ said Tuesday. "He is more dangerous than Hitler ever could have been. I'm calling for mass political protest and resistance."
Sunsara Taylor is a Communist. She is one of the senior leaders of an organization expressly dedicated to the violent overthrow of the republic. Her group, the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, wants to replace the United States of America with the Socialist Republic of North America, whose draft constitution could have been written by Josef Stalin himself.
Taylor has been very clear about what will be required to carry out her revolution – violence. People will be killed. Things will be broken. Revolution is always ugly, but only by destroying the existing order can the people enter the workers’ paradise.
This is AOC’s partner in the street. Standing in front of one of our most revered institutions a sitting Congresswoman chose to partner with a Communist agitator in urging the crowd to take matters into their own hands and overturn the decision of an “illegitimate” court.
Which I suppose leads to the inevitable question. Is AOC a Communist or is she just so ignorant that she has no idea of the implications of her actions?