In 2020 Pennsylvania conducted an election using mail-in ballots and drop boxes devoid of even basic provisions to ensure electoral integrity. A committee looking at the election afterward found in excess of 200,000 ballots that seemed to have come out of thin air. Nobody knew who cast them.
Eighteen months later the GOP-controlled legislature in Harrisburg has done exactly nothing to rectify the situation. It continues to trot out meaningless reform bills that make no substantive changes. The bet is apparently that the base will fall for the usual smoke and mirrors tricks, and nothing will really have to be done.
Meanwhile, the Democratic machine demonstrates no such lethargy. It is already in high gear and moving ahead to Stage Two of the nationwide Democratic plan to institutionalize changes, which will guarantee one-party rule forever.
Recently, a letter was circulated to election officials throughout Pennsylvania. It reads in part:
“PA Election Officials:
We hope you had a chance to review the invitation Tim Benyo shared last week regarding a convening of election professionals planned for June 30 - July 1 in Philadelphia. We hope you can attend and wanted to get you some more information.
The idea for this convening was spurred by the unusually challenging conditions that election officials are dealing with across the country and especially in Pennsylvania. The opportunities for meetings among election officials around pressing issues and how to best address them have been limited recently, made more difficult by the pandemic. But with health risks receding and high-turnout elections ahead, this summer seemed a good time for an in-person gathering specifically for in-state election directors.
We have offered to help organize the program, to bring in nonpartisan experts from around the region and nation, and to cover certain expenses including meals and lodging. You are under no obligation to accept our offer to cover expenses, but we’re prepared to help if these costs would prevent you from attending…
For background, both of our organizations are strictly nonpartisan 501c (3)s, with proven track records of working with election officials across the political spectrum. CEIR works with election officials nationally, and specifically with state associations of local election officials in places like Colorado, Florida, Georgia, and Michigan. Seventy is a longtime observer of local elections and works closely with election officials in Pennsylvania, including those at the Department of State, which is also likely to send staff to the convening…
Please let us know if you’d like to attend the Phillies game on June 30 (against the Braves) – if you’d like to attend but would prefer to reimburse for the tickets, that can be arranged. We hope to see you in Philly on June 30!”
The letter was sent on behalf of two groups – the Committee of Seventy and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR). Al Schmidt the President of the Committee of Seventy and David Becker, the Executive Director of CEIR were signatories.
As you can see the letter is carefully crafted to give the impression that all of the election officials in Pennsylvania are being invited to Philadelphia for a conference with the noble goal of ensuring professionalism and efficiency in the administration of elections. Still, it seems a bit odd that a private group is not only sponsoring the event but also shelling out the cash to host officials from all across a very big state and to provide tickets to a Phillies game to boot.
Maybe it is worthwhile taking a closer look at CEIR and Becker since they are the ones who will actually be presenting at this event. It might also be time well spent to consider the agenda of Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State who it appears will attend this event as well.
CEIR was founded in 2016 by David Becker. Prior to forming CEIR Becker was an attorney in the Department of Justice. He was also a senior staff attorney at the People for the American Way (PFAW). PFAW is a radical left-wing activist group that promotes public funding of abortion providers, amnesty, and government-funded healthcare, seeks to expand liberal control of the judiciary, and helps to elect liberal political candidates.
While serving as an attorney with DOJ Becker was the subject of an ethics complaint. He contacted the city of Boston – offering to help them defeat a lawsuit brought against them by his employer the DOJ for voting infractions. Brad Scholzman, acting head of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division at the time, stated, “It was the most unethical thing I’ve ever seen” and called Becker “a hard-core leftist” who “Couldn’t stand conservatives.”
Hans von Spakovsky, who worked as counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, agreed with Scholzman’s characterization of Becker. “In his role with the DOJ, he was supposed to be non-partisan, but his emails uncovered in the Boston investigation revealed nasty, disparaging remarks about Republicans. Very unethical and unprofessional.”
In September 2020, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan donated $50 million dollars to Becker’s CEIR. The grant later grew to be almost $70 million. Becker stated he would use the money to expand the scope of CEIR’s operations.

CEIR claims to be focused on the non-partisan goal of making elections more efficient. The track record shows a very different agenda. They use their cash to infiltrate government election offices and effectively transform them into arms of the Democratic Party.
Wisconsin is a textbook case. CEIR put $12 million of Zuckerberg’s money into Wisconsin in August of 2020. Theoretically, that money was to be used to educate voters on the new mail-in voting system. That is not how it was used at all.
Becker did not give the money to any Wisconsin government agency. He gave the money to an organization called the Michigan Center for Election Law and Administration (MCELA). MCELA was just a pass-through. It was designed to provide the appearance that the cash would be used for non-partisan purposes. All MCELA actually did with the money was to hand it to two Democratic consulting firms Waterfront Strategies and Alper Strategies.
Waterfront Strategies is a firm that specializes in handling media buys for Democrat and left-wing interest groups. It is a subsidiary of GMMB the biggest consulting firm in the United States. GMMB was instrumental in electing Barack Obama. Alper Strategies was founded by Jill Alper the previous political director and coordinated campaign director of the Democratic National Committee.
The money paid for television and radio ads and for text messages. Indications are that the text messages in particular were targeted to certain categories of voters deemed more likely to vote Democratic. Money that was supposed to be used to educate all voters was used to drive up participation by likely Democratic voters. It was used to pump up Joe Biden’s numbers.
In a comment about CEIR’s funding of MCELA, Phill Kline, executive director of the Amistad Project, stated “These funds empowered illegal activities that turned formerly objective government offices into Biden campaign satellite offices.”
After the election when concerns were raised about electoral misconduct Becker then created an organization called Election Officials Legal Defense Network (EOLDN) to provide legal services to defend all the election officials in Wisconsin accused of misconduct. Having worked overtime to fix the election Becker was now paying to help cover his tracks.
CEIR and Becker are now the focus of an investigation in Wisconsin into the 2020 election. Judge Michael Gabelman who is heading that investigation has stated CEIR may be the subject of “future illegal dropbox or election bribery litigation or prosecutions” and may be “improperly coordinating legal defenses of election officials.”

All of this suggests pretty strongly that what David Becker and CEIR are planning in Philly is not remotely non-partisan. As for the Pennsylvania Secretary of State, Leigh Chapman, who will also attend, she is an open book. Her life’s work is the transformation of our electoral system into one that will guarantee the Democratic Party never loses another election.
Chapman came to her job as Secretary of State from a career as a Democratic Party operative with Deliver My Vote pushing an aggressive, transformative agenda. Chapman and Deliver My Vote are part of a broader, well-funded Democratic effort to completely do away with in-person voting and move the entire nation to mail-in voting. This effort nationally is spearheaded by something called the National Vote at Home Coalition (NVHC) and its 501(c)(3) arm, the National Vote at Home Institute. These groups were founded in 2017 to push all mail voting nationwide. Phil Keisling, the chairman of the NVHC has described the mission of these groups as follows.
“Imagine a state where voters never have to show a photo ID; wait in voting lines; leave home or work early to get to their designated polling place; or worry about bad weather, traffic jams, finding parking or public transportation, or arranging childcare.
AVR’s [automatic voter registration] underlying policy premise is identical to vote-at-home’s; if the government knows you’re a citizen, you become a registered voter [emphasis added].”
What is planned for Philadelphia has nothing to do with making elections fairer or more efficient. It is the first step in doing in Pennsylvania what Zuckerberg and company did in Wisconsin. It is the opening shot in the fight to fix the 2022 election.
Meanwhile, in Harrisburg, it is business as usual. The GOP leadership postures and procrastinates and does nothing. Having already allowed one election to be stolen, they show no interest in preventing it from happening again. The Democrats show no such lack of energy. They are moving aggressively to expand on their gains from last time and to institutionalize changes that will mean permanent rule by the Democratic Party.
The GOP slumbers. The Democrats are already stealing 2022.
IMHO the GOP Establishment is fine with stolen elections; which means that they're probably beneficiaries of the same corrupt process. This is the only logical reason why purported Republicans and the state and national level have demonstrated purposeful indifference to election fraud generally, and 2020 in particular.
Somewhere in a back room, the Dems and the GOP select winners and losers and divvy up the spoils (at least for those races they care about) ... or get together to receive instructions from whoever controls them as to who will be winners and losers in particular races.
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All I can assume is that each and every one of them, that doesn't secure the vote, is sitting in their position because of the rigged system. There is no other reason I can think of to NOT correct the fraudulent practices.