In the early 1930s a Welsh investigative journalist names Gareth Jones went to the Soviet Union and without authorization traveled into Ukraine to report on conditions there. Stalin was in power in the Soviet Union, and admirers in the West were claiming that he was working miracles and showing the world a glimpse of a beautiful, Communist future.
What Jones found in Ukraine was a horror. Stalin’s policies had created a famine that would ultimately claim the lives of 4 million Ukrainians. The cause of the famine was Stalin’s drive to gain control over the Soviet Union’s agricultural sector in order to finance his ambitious industrialization and militarization plans. He forced Ukrainians onto collective farms. He requisitioned grain and shipped it out of the area to sell to finance his grand plans for the greater Soviet Union. He left the Ukrainians to die.
“In almost every village, the bread supply had run out two months earlier, the potatoes were almost exhausted, and there was not enough coarse beet, which was formerly used as cattle fodder, but has now become a staple food of the population, to last until the next harvest,”
“In each village, I received the same information – namely that many were dying of the famine and that about four-fifths of the cattle and the horses had perished. One phrase was repeated until it had a sad monotony in my mind, and that was: “Vse opukhli” (“all are swollen from hunger”), and one word was drummed into my memory by every talk. That word was “golod,” meaning “hunger” or “famine.” Nor shall I forget the swollen stomachs of the children in the cottages in which I slept.”
Gareth Jones
Jones’ eyewitness reports were met with ridicule, particularly by the New York Times. The Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for the Times, Walter Duranty, in particular, made it his mission to paint Jones as a liar and a conspiracy theorist. Duranty was in Moscow. He never visited Ukraine. He slavishly towed the Communist Party line and dismissed Jones’ revelations as hysteria and exaggeration.
“Conditions are bad but there is no famine,” wrote Duranty. He added, “To put it brutally, you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.”
We look at the coverup of the Ukrainian famine and wonder how such duplicity could be possible. We should not. We see the same factors at play right here, right now.
When the COVID-19 pandemic began the United States moved to put into place a response plan developed over many years. It focused on protecting vulnerable populations like nursing home residents and early, even prophylactic treatment with drugs like hydroxychloroquine. In fact, a large stockpile of hydroxychloroquine was acquired for this purpose.
Then, big Pharma and the followers of the “China Model” took control. Treatment was effectively forbidden. Lockdowns – never part of any plan for dealing with a pandemic – were imposed. And, most important of all for the bottom line of Pfizer, Moderna, and company, all bets were placed on the development and fielding of experimental vaccines.
The results of these decisions have been catastrophic. People who could easily have been saved have died, particularly in nursing homes. The general public meanwhile has been ravaged by the physical and psychological impact of lockdowns, business, and school closures, and other mad restrictions that all appear to have emerged fully formed from the mind of Xi Jinping.
An avalanche of reports from all over the world has been coming in for at least the last year detailing in excruciating detail how many people have not just been injured but have been killed by the impact of these mad ‘public health’ measures.
From 2019 to 2020 life expectancy dropped for all 50 states and Washington, D.C., by about 1.8 years, according to a new CDC report. The biggest decrease in life expectancy was found among people in New York, who had a decline of three years.
Even the CDC does not claim that these are deaths from COVID. They are not. In fact, every reliable study that has been done has shown that deaths from other causes, alcoholism, drug use, gun violence, etc. dwarf those from COVID itself. We call these deaths of despair.
“So now we know what drove non-COVID deaths in 2020. But realize this. What this means is that non-COVID deaths for age 25-44 in 2020 were 3.5 times the number of COVID deaths for that age group… Let me say that again. Non-covid causes killed 3.5 times as many people aged 25-44 in 2020 than COVID did… When you look at the causes above, it is clear that these must be associated with the public policy response, primarily the lockdowns,…”
“In the US there does appear to be an increase in non-COVID deaths during the pandemic, a phenomenon coming under increased scrutiny. A PNAS study published in September 2021 found:
Thirty-four percent of the excess life years lost for males is from non–COVID-19 causes…Non-COVID deaths were increased in all groups in the US (except children) but concentrated in minorities and those with lower socioeconomic status. What were the causes of these excess non-COVID deaths?
Hypertension and heart disease deaths combined were elevated 32,000. Diabetes or obesity, drug-induced causes, and alcohol-induced causes were each elevated 12,000 to 15,000 above previous (upward) trends. Drug deaths especially followed an alarming trend, only to significantly exceed it during the pandemic to reach 108,000 for calendar year 2021. Homicide and motor-vehicle fatalities combined were elevated almost 10,000. Various other causes combined to add 18,000.”
“Knock-on effects of lockdown may be killing more than 1,000 people a week, top experts have suggested. Official figures show there have been around 1,500 'excess' deaths every week for the past three weeks in England and Wales. These are the number of fatalities above and beyond what would normally be expected at this time of year. Only a small fraction of them — around 300 — are from Covid, which has led to calls for an urgent investigation into what is behind the excess mortality….Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter, an eminent statistician from Cambridge University, said it could be the 'impact of measures against the pandemic…”
“The consequences of government-enforced lockdowns killed more Canadians under the age of 65 than the COVID-19 virus itself, according to a report by Statistics Canada.
In a report titled Provisional death counts and excess mortality, the government agency reviewed the number of deaths between January 2020 to April 2021 and concluded that 5,535 Canadians under the age of 65 died because of “indirect consequences” due to the pandemic.
Over the same time period, 1380 Canadians in the same age group died because of COVID-19 itself.”
Excess mortality is, in large part, related to other factors such as increases in the number of deaths attributed to causes associated with substance use and misuse, including unintentional (accidental) poisonings and diseases and conditions related to alcohol consumption.”
The draconian measures implemented to control the spread of COVID, none of which had ever been part of the planning for a response to a global pandemic killed huge numbers of people. These people did not die of natural causes. They were murdered by government agencies.
No one has been held accountable. Architects of this mass killing like Dr. Fauci continue to sneer into the camera and deny any culpability. What happened in Ukraine is happening all over again around the world. People are being killed by the acts of world governments, and the bulk of the press continues to deny any of this is even happening.
Stalin is gone. Disinformation and propaganda are alive and well.
I wonder. How many people will get Pulitzers for covering up this slaughter?
and "IT" continues across Many Vectors. Do "We" support the DC Coup Ferals as the USSA Empire collapses? Or do the Invaders just Take Over? Or does the DC Coup Ferals have our "Replacements" under contract and co-ordinated with the NWO? Will Russia & China invade the USSA? "With Permission?" from the Ferals?
Nothing is Tin Foil hat ANYMORE on Any Topic.
Keep fighting.