Not so very long ago New York City effectively shut down its public education system out of fear of a disease that may very well have never killed a single healthy child. Schools were shuttered. Kids were masked. Hysteria reigned.
Now, suddenly, concerns about very real diseases that constitute significant threats to the lives of school children are being shoved aside. The children of illegal immigrants are being pushed into public schools in the nation’s largest city without even a pretense of determining their health status or requirement for immunization. The official policy of the CDC is that they do not track disease by immigration status so good luck trying to get accurate numbers on how many migrants are carrying disease.
The school year just began in New York City. Some 21,000 migrant children showed up for the first day of class. According to policy they were all admitted even though in some places this meant other children living here legally were turned away. Per the official policy of the city, none of the illegal children were required to show health or vaccination records.
Your kid may have to get the vax, but kids coming here from third-world countries with non-existent health systems are exempt. No one is requiring documentation of immunization status before jamming masses of kids who literally just arrived from all over the planet into city schools.
Understand that there is no real question about the implications of this. Months ago, the Health Commissioner pointed out the obvious. New York was already seeing a significant rise in polio and tuberculosis cases. This is not a race thing, an ethnic thing, or a conspiracy theory. The people flooding in are coming from areas with high levels of many diseases virtually unknown here.
Polio was declared irradicated in the United States in 1979. It is back. It has been detected in wastewater in the New York City metro area. Nobody knows how many people are infected or how many of these kids being jammed into schools are carrying the disease. Polio leads to paralysis and death.
Migrants are carrying a host of other diseases. A recent study showed that more than 4% percent of migrants from Central and South America to Europe were sick with Chagas' disease. It's contagious and can cause serious complications, including heart failure.
At the border, the Border Patrol is seeing incidences of basically every disease you can imagine. The illegals swarming our country are coming here from all over the globe. If there is a bug out there we probably have it here now too. The list includes tuberculosis, scabies, COVID-19, hepatitis A and B, gonorrhea, syphilis, mumps, chicken pox, and dengue fever.
Those are the ones we know about. Those are the ones that are here already.
Right now there is a significant outbreak of MERS, Middle East respiratory syndrome in multiple Middle Eastern countries. MERS has been shown to be passed from person to person. It kills over one-third of the people it infects.
There is an outbreak of the Marburg virus in West Africa. Marburg can spread from person to person as well “via direct contact through broken skin or mucous membranes with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected people, and with surfaces and materials such as bedding, and clothing contaminated with these fluids.”
Healthcare workers treating Marburg patients have been infected. People attending funerals for individuals who died of Marburg have been infected.
If you get Marburg you get a fever and a headache and aches and pains. Then you begin to bleed out from every opening in your body. The mortality rate is north of 80%.
In Peru, they are experiencing an outbreak of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS). GBS attacks your nervous system. Eventually, it leads to full paralysis. Weakness and tingling in your hands and feet are usually the first symptoms. It can spread rapidly.
Nobody actually knows what causes it but most victims report an infection preceding the onset of GBS. Such infections include COVID-19, respiratory or gastrointestinal infection, or Zika virus.
That’s just a small sampling of what is happening around the world right now. Something similar is happening all day every day. Diseases you never heard of or were irradicated here decades ago are ravaging the world.
And now, all of them are coming here in the form of the masses of humanity being allowed to enter our country and then pumped directly into our major population centers. Many of those individuals are kids. Many of them are infected. All of those kids are being shoved into schools in places like New York City, unvaccinated and without anyone having any idea of their medical history.
I would say it was a disaster waiting to happen, but it is already happening. Whatever the intent, if you were looking for a way to start a real pandemic, one that might kill a third of our population, this would be it.
An unpleasant look into our future, as if we need more gov-generated malfeasance. Thank you for posting Sam.
History is repeating itself unnecessarily, or perhaps intentionally. The plagues of old from poor hygiene have been replaced by engineered plagues by modern science. The evil of man abounds. No number of injected chemicals into a bloodstream will stop this evil, and we the people seem to be accepting the inevitable. When knowledgable warriors such as Sam Faddis or Michael Yon strike the warning bell they are called crazies or worse. What has happened to us?